Chapter 1
Not a day passed that I didn’t at least either get a text from Juniper or I texted her. I was hooked. She was fucking hilarious. Sending me screenshots of the messages with her friends or just a funny thought randomly.
She said she’d be here today and I was positively giddy. My hands itched to touch her again. And I had the short, cheap strand of lights taunting me. They sat on the kitchen counter and fuck if my dick didn’t get hard when I spent more than a few minutes thinking about what I did with them last.
Juniper would be in town for the next two weeks but I needed to focus on the competition. I needed to be thinking about how to improve upon my technique for Stollen so I could beat Clara Davis. This was my year. I could feel it. I also had a little boost thinking about feeding a piece to Juniper while she was naked in my lap on her kitchen floor.
The way she did a little dance when she took a bite. So fucking cute and I couldn’t wait to see her again.
I was working today, at least that’s what I was supposed to be doing instead of daydreaming. “Dude. Here?” Bryant walked in and waved his hand up and down my body. Yep. My dick was hard. Again. I thought I did a better job of hiding it, apparently I was too far into the daydream this time.
“Shut the fuck up.” I pushed the tray of cupcakes into the oven and closed the door. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“Yeah. Making sure you don’t make a fool of yourself.” He washed his hands and then pulled the recipe card out for the orange vanilla frosting. “Someone is asking for you.” He paused, then looked up at me and grinned. “She’s a super fucking hot brunette in the cutest long jacket and boots. Can’t miss her.” He winked and went back to working.
Shit. Juniper was here. I quickly washed my hands and readjusted myself. “You fucker.” I glanced back and Bryant had his hands on his knees laughing.
As I walked out my heart felt like it was in my throat. Why was I nervous? I know her now. We’d been talking. It’s not like she ghosted me, then showed up at my place of work. “Graham!” I heard her calling me but the place was crowded, people were getting anxious and placing their orders to pick up for Christmas. This really wasn’t a great time to meet someone. I’d never see them with how busy the bakery was right now, but I would not ignore Juniper.
I made the bold move to step out around the counter and finally saw a familiar wavy brunette high ponytail. Then her hand flew up and waved wildly. “There you are shorty!” I laughed as she did a little jump.
“Hey! We are practically the same height.” She huffed then her face broke into a smile. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too.” I wrapped my arms around her and everything felt right. She sighed, settling into my shoulder. “This place is swamped.”
“The downfall of being open later. I get all the people leaving work.” I complained quietly, fully aware that I was surrounded by customers. I want, no I needed a kiss. Then I’d go back to work. I held her soft, sweet face in my hands. “Are you busy tonight?”
“Nope.” She answered. Popping the P. “I thought I was going to hang out with this cute guy I met, but he seems to be busy.” She motioned around us.
“I will make time.” I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers. “Although you’ll have to wait for me to get done because my house is not as fancy as yours and I cannot unlock it from my phone.”
She giggled, then leaned her forehead against my lips. “It’s okay. I need to visit grandma, then I’ll head over when you text me. It’ll feel like sneaking out again.”
“Then I’ll be the bad boy you escape to.” I kissed her again, because I could not help myself.
“Graham! Little help please!” Riley, one the girls who helped me out seasonally, was at least ten people deep in line that needed help. Bryant was working one side of the display and Riley was supposed to work the other. Something mustn’t be working.
“You should go.” Juniper backed towards the door. “I’ll see you later. Text me.” She disappeared through the throngs of people and then was gone.
I made my way back through the people and behind the counter. The cash drawer was jammed and Riley was panicking, which made Bryant panic. Now I am annoyed. They knew what to do when this happened. I brought my fist down on top of the register and the drawer popped open. I could have had one more moment with Juniper. But no.
My phone vibrated in my pocket and I walked back to the kitchen. Luckily not everything went to shit. I had a message from Juniper and it was just reminding me to send her my address. I quickly responded then went back to the chaos that was erupting around me.
Chapter 2
I thought I’d stop by Silent Night Treats first and I’m glad I did. Seeing Graham reminded me how cute he was, texting was getting old. He was so damn sweet and fucking adorable in his Christmas sweater and pine green apron.
As I parked my car, grandma came out and met me in the driveway. “Hey honey, how was your ride?”
“Good. Nice weather so that was a bonus. I wasn’t driving in the snow.” Normally there was a snow storm and it sucked in my little car. I decided not to tell her about Graham, I’d deal with the grandma guilt later, when I left from our normal tradition of playing uno until midnight.
“Come in. Warm up.” She picked up my purse and headed inside. I quickly followed, scrambling to figure out how to tell her that I had plans tonight. As I walked through the door the familiar smell of stollen hit my nose. “I made your favorite.” She sang as she walked into the kitchen.
“I smell that.” My stomach growled as I turned the corner and saw the spread of snacks in front of me. Shit. I was feeling really bad now. “Hey Grandma, I was going to go out on a date tonight. I met a guy in PC that owns a bakery in town.”
“Bring him here. You're not going anywhere tonight.” She didn’t even give me an option. Shit.
I held my phone in my hands, debating on if I’d actually invite Graham here or not, then I decided that she’d love him. So I quickly typed out a message before I could chicken out.
Me: Come over to my grandmas
Big Nick Energy: Sure, send me the address
I ,again, typed out the message quickly before I chickened out and he liked the message.
Big Nick Energy: Do you want me to bring anything?
Me: No, she has a lot of food.
Big Nick Energy: See you later. I’ll be there at 8.
He must have someone covering his shift for closing, or just perks of being the owner. “Who are you messaging?” Grandma scooted around me and pushed a plate into my hands instead of my phone. I fumbled my phone and fell to the floor. “Grandma.” I scolded.
“It’s my turn. Your friend can come over later.” She sliced up the Stollen, then waved her hand over the festive table. “Now eat. You look like you’ve lost weight.”
I, internally, rolled my eyes. I did lose weight just for the two weeks I was about to spend with the woman who insisted on cooking three meals a day. “Well, you’ll fix that won’t you.”
“Yes.” She beamed, then shuffled off to the living room. Her house was small and older, but cozy. She took good care of it and it was beautiful. And the Christmas decorations were magical. Her tree was huge, she had garland in the windows with the small candles that she turned on at night, the Christmas village that looked like Port Crimson sitting on the bookshelf complete with a house that looked like hers. “Come sit. Tell me about your cool job.”
She thought I did something within the magazine, I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I just worked in accounting. So instead, I regaled her of the tales behind the articles that the girls wrote and she loved it. She really loved Norah and Ian’s story. She always asked how they were doing.
We settled into a movie after we caught up. I did most of the talking, she always said she could only talk about the weather in Port Crimson and that was boring. “When will this boy be here?”
Shit. I kind of forgot about that. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw a missed call from Graham. Then a text. “He should be here…” I checked the time and the message again. “Um..right now.”
There was a knock on the door and my heart leapt into my throat. I’ve never brought anyone home to my Grandma and now he was here and she was feisty today. “I’ll be right back.” I put my plate down on the table next to me. It was time to face the music.
Chapter 3
Port Crimson was small.
Like really small.
I knew exactly who lived at the address. Clara Davis.
Then I felt like an idiot. It didn’t ever really put together that Juniper’s grandma was the woman who beat me in the annual holiday competition. The woman who I constantly competed with and she didn’t even own a bakery. I DID.
I didn’t hear from Juniper but my last message didn’t require a response either, so here goes nothing. I walked up the sidewalk slowly, fixing my shirt that looked like it had a strand of Christmas lights wrapped around it. I had to keep up the appearance that I was obsessed with Christmas. It made Juniper smile and that is something I’d try to have her do as much as possible.
My heart was in my throat, my stomach was flipping. Clara would surely kick me out at first sight. She barely tolerated me. The door opened slowly and Juniper was standing there. Her eyes were saucers and I felt a little better. She was as nervous as I was. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She stepped out, closing the door behind her. “So, my grandma is feisty tonight. I’m warning you.”
“Then I should warn you, your grandma is the person who I compete against and she always beats me.” I ran my hand through my hair anxiously.
“Fuck.” Juniper’s voice was barely audible.
“Don’t swear. It’s rude.” The door opened slowly and Clara was glaring at me instantly. “YOU are the man who insisted that my granddaughter leave her elderly grandmother alone on Christmas.” She turned to Juniper and winked. Jesus she was a ballbuster. “I will put away my recipes.” Then she was gone.
“Oh. My. God.” I looked back at Juniper and she was rubbing her temples. “She’s really on a ball tonight. I’m sorry. If you want to leave I’ll totally understand.”
I glanced behind her and made sure that Clara was out of sight, then held her face in my hands, she always leaned into me and it made me happy. She was comfortable with me. “I’m not leaving. Unless Clara kicks me out, then I’m running the fuck away from here as fast as I can.”
She giggled. “I don’t blame you.”
“The coast is clear!” Clara yelled from inside the house.
Juniper giggled again, then put her hands on my sides, balling my shirt in her hands. “I am mortified. I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” I kept my voice low. I didn’t get the feeling that Clara would let her precious granddaughter fraternize with the enemy for too long.
“She’s a pain sometimes, but I love her and I’m really enjoying getting to know you. So I’m going to try. But it’s going to be difficult.” I could tell she was struggling. I should have known better than to wish that she’d be able to spend too much time with me. She did say, a few times, she doesn’t get to visit often so these two weeks were their special time together.
“I’ll be right here.” I pressed my lips to her forehead and she sighed. “Unless she scares me, then I’m leaving.”
“I don’t blame you.” She repeated, then backed off when footsteps approached from behind her.
Chapter 4
I was mortified. Grandma was being brutal tonight and now her arch nemesis was in her own home.
Well, that was dramatic but still. She was being difficult. “Here we go.” I took Graham’s hand and we walked in.
“Clara, you have a beautiful home.” Graham was killing me. Being the perfect gentleman. My grandma would have none of it.
“Why thank you…” Alright. That was good. “I would hope to win the prettiest house on the block every year for the past twenty years.” There it was.
“It’s well deserved.” Graham said politely. She didn’t deserve how nice he was being right now.
Grandma sat down across from us and crossed her legs. “Graham, how’s business?”
“Good. This is the busiest time of year.” He nodded and I hated every single moment of this. My mind was scrambling to find a reason to leave with him and talk to grandma tomorrow. “Are you ready for the competition next weekend?”
“I am.” Grandma grinned. “You're a good contender.”
Oh. A compliment. “Thank you. I appreciate that.” Graham put his arm over the back of the couch and pulled me into his side.
“Alright, what movie are we watching?” Grandma pulled up the selection of movies. Before either of us could answer she selected Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the claymation version. One of my favorites. “I hope you like this movie.” She didn’t even look at us as the intro started and she started to say the lines with the snowman narrator.
I looked over and Graham was mouthing the words too. How can someone be so wholesome and so good at dirty talk at the same time? He caught me looking and I saw him blush a little. Fucking finally. I caught him doing something embarrassing for once. I mouthed gotcha and he squeezed my arm.
I don’t know how many Christmas movies we watched but when I looked over Graham was sound asleep laying on the arm of the couch. Which made me feel bad, I know he had a long day and he stayed up for me. Grandma got up and picked up our plates, then smiled softly. “He’s a nice boy June. You deserve that.” She patted my shoulder then walked around the couch.
Chapter 5
The last thing I thought I’d be doing tonight was going to bed with Juniper at her Grandma’s house. I really thought that I’d get kicked out the minute Clara saw me, I didn’t think she’d let me stay the night.
I crawled into her bed and she slid in on the other side. She had a full sized bed, so it was a tight fit, but I definitely wasn’t complaining as she snuggled into my side. “Thanks for sticking around.” Her voice was soft and sweet.
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” She hummed quietly when I kissed her forehead. “Juniper, your grandma might scare the shit out of me but I was going to give it my best shot.” Juniper didn’t say anything, then her hand went from tracing circles on my side to slowing down, then stopping all together. She was sound asleep.
Morning came around far too soon. I woke up before Juniper did, her soft little snores were super cute. I watched as her mouth hung open just a little bit and she had drooled on my shoulder. She didn’t move from my side the entire night and I was drenched in sweat. I don’t know what her grandma had the thermostat set at, it would probably be something close to fucking hell.
“Graham…” I froze from my shimmying, trying to break free of the ten blankets on the bed. “Fuck that feels good.” She still had her leg thrown over my hips and she was grinding herself on me.
This was wrong. I should not take advantage of her right now. “Graham…please don’t stop.” Her hands grabbed my forearms; nails digging in. Now I was worried I’d embarrass her if I didn’t wake her up.
“Baby, wake up.” I tipped her face up to mine and her eyes slowly opened. “There she is. I didn’t want you to come without me.”
Her mood shifted from sleepy to slutty really fucking quick, which is what I was hoping for. Her hand slid down my chest, then under the band of my boxers and wrapped around my cock. “You are always ready aren’t you?”
I breathed out ‘always’ and went in for the kiss that had been taunting me since I arrived at Clara’s house last night. “Keep using me Juniper.”
“I want you to touch me.” She whined.
“Finish what you started.” I growled and she had a hint of a smile on her lips.
Without anymore prompting, she crawled on top of me and I was finally fucked freed from the blankets. That relief was quickly distracted by her pulling her shirt over her head. “Fine.” Juniper braced her hands on my chest and slowly rocked back and forth over my cock. She closed her eyes and I let my hands roam up her bare thighs to her soaked pussy.
“Fuck your soaked.” I sat up, needing more contact from her. This was not enough. She’d still finish what she started but I wanted more. I needed more. I put my hand on the small of her back and pushed her harder into me and she moaned deep from her chest.
Her hands came up and pushed me down onto the bed. “Stay down. You said I needed to use you and you're impeding that.”
“Fuck that.” Her attitude was such a fucking turn on. I grabbed her arms and flipped her onto her back, without me asking she put her arms up. “Do you have a favorite position, Graham the baker?”
Chapter 6
I had so much power until Graham took it away, but he looked positively feral above me so I’d excuse it today. “Do you have a favorite position, Graham the baker?” I had to still taunt him a little though.
Here I was thinking he’d shut me up and just fuck me already, he didn’t though. He balanced himself on one arm for a moment and shoved his boxers down, then settled back between my legs, sitting it perfectly against my pussy. “I like when you are at my mercy and I can watch you come undone underneath me.”
I rolled my hips up to get any kind of friction that I could and he didn’t cooperate, making me groan frustratedly. “Graham…please.” Then it hit me. He wanted me to beg. We always ended in me begging and him giving me what I was asking for.
I think he saw my realization because he started to laugh. “Did you figure me out baby?”
“Graham, pretty please.” I answered sarcastically.
His head leaned his head to the side. “I don’t think you know what you are doing.”
“I’d like to find out what lies beneath the surface of the cute baker who makes traditional German desserts.” Now I really wasn’t hiding the fact that I was taunting him.
Without warning, he was off of me and walking away, fixing his boxers. “That is something that is better served at my house.” Then he disappeared down the hall.
“What. The. Fuck.” I pulled the blankets back over my head and closed my eyes.
The bedroom door opened again and I felt the bed shift next to me. “You can be a brat, but it’ll get you punished.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his chest tight and not necessarily comfortably.
“Graham, if you think that I can’t take it you are sorely mistaken.”
He patted my head like a goddamn dog. “We’ll see about that.”
I wiggled out from his arms and got up, fixed my shorts and pulled my shirt back on. “You don’t deserve snuggles for that.”
“You didn’t deserve to be fucked.” He leaned back and put his arms above his head. “When you are ready to behave, you can come take a ride whenever you want.”
“You're dumb.” I stuck my tongue out and walked out into the hallway. I did want to be annoyed at him, but I wasn’t. He was scratching every itch I had and it was fun to finally be with someone who would play along. Put me in my place.
As I walked down the hallway I heard Grandma snoring away, just like I expected. She didn’t wake up for anything. Once I had gone to the bathroom and tied on my fuzzy robe I walked back into my room and Graham was pulling on his jeans. I leaned in the doorway, admiring his physique. “I gotta head out. I’d like to do something maybe tomorrow night though. Bryant should be able to close for me.”
“I feel bad that you have to keep making exceptions for me.” I shuffled my feet.
He walked up and stood nose to nose with me. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to.” Then pecked my nose. “Now kiss me and I’ll be on my way.”
In an attempt to keep him with me a little bit longer I turned my head just as he lowered his mouth to mine. His hand snapped up and grabbed my chin, “Don’t do that.” Then kissed me softly before walking around me and leaving.
Chapter 7
Bryant slowly chewed another bite of Stollen before swallowing hard and grimacing,“I’m tired of eating Stollen, Graham. It’s all good and it’s all the same. Whatever you serve the people, they’ll love.”
“They are structuring the competition differently this year. It was announced this morning. They are doing blind tastings at the festival, then people cast their votes and that’s how the winner is decided. This is a game changer. I might actually stand a chance.” For the first time since I started baking against Clara, I felt good about this.
“Fine. Fine. The competition is this next weekend, when are you baking the ten loaves?”
“I’m going to spend more time with Juniper. Probably Friday night, so they are ready to go on Saturday morning.” Bryant didn’t seem sold on this idea. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You really think you’ll be able to focus on the competition with her around?”
“Yes.” I lined up the Stollen on the counter. “Time to open up shop. I’ll wrap these. Can you go unlock the doors?”
“Yeah…” Bryant stalked away from me, he was clearly not thrilled about this but he’d have to deal with it. Next Friday night would be a late night. For now, I had to plan a date with Juniper that would knock her socks off.
I deep cleaned my house for Juniper, then made sure I left out the short strand of lights from our first night together. Then I made a pasta carbonara with garlic bread and I made sure to stock up on RumChata and hot chocolate. Then two cans of Reddi Whip, one for the hot chocolate and one for us to use later.
There were three quick knocks at the front door then I heard Juniper yell. “Graham, it’s me. Can you let me in please? It’s cold.”
I jogged to the door and opened it. She was bundled up and snow fell around her. She looked so beautiful with her brunette hair piled around her face, under her hat. “C’mon in. Dinner is about ready.” She had a plastic container in her hands with what looked like cupcakes. “Did you make these for me?”
“I did. Admittedly, they won’t be as good as anything you’ll make, they are a box mix, but I tried. They are cute at least?” She shrugged and shoved the container in my hands.
“Thank you for trying, I’m sure they are delicious.” Sitting the container down on the table in the entryway, I motioned for her to come the rest of the way in. She quickly shuffled past me and unzipped her coat. “Make yourself comfortable, baby. I’m just setting the table.”
“Where is your bathroom?” She pointed up the stairs.
“First door on the right.” Juniper nodded and walked upstairs. Before going to the kitchen, I enjoyed the view of her ass swaying as she ascended the stairs. The table was set and I put out the glasses of wine, then waited at the bottom of the stairs for her. For kind of a long time. Was she second guessing me? “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” She came down the stairs a few minutes later and right into my arms. “Dinner smells amazing.” Juniper hummed into my shoulder before letting me go.
Chapter 8
Grandma made a point to not guilt me before I left for Graham’s house, I could feel it as she said, “Have a good night.” And didn’t follow it with, “I’ll be here..alone…”
Once I shoved that thought out of my head, I started to poke around his bathroom. Nothing spectacular. He was a clean guy, or he just manically cleaned before I got here. Which I wouldn’t blame him for doing. Because that is what I did before he came to my house…except for the night where Marigold invited him to my house without me knowing.
Oh, that reminded me, I should text Marigold. She asked for confirmation that I was making progress on her matchmaking, even if I did meet Graham she takes credit for pushing me to go on the date with him. And she’s sort of right.
Me: I’m at Grahams.
Mari: Get it girl.
Me: Tonight is just dinner.
Mari: LOL Riiiggghhhttt
Me: I’m not kidding.
Mari: Good luck with that. He’s adorable and clearly likes you. Get while the getting is good.
Mari: Now get out there and strut your stuff. I expect details tomorrow.
“You good?” Graham called up the stairs. Shit. How long had I been up here just thinking and not actually going to the bathroom. Now it would be awkward if I flushed after five minutes. Would he even notice? Probably not. I spend a lot of time in my head.
Like I was doing right now.
Damnit. I was such a fucking idiot. Why was I nervous tonight? It wasn’t his threat of teaching me a lesson, that was the exciting part. It was the prospect of being alone with him, no distractions. No slow waitress. No Grandma. Just him and I. Graham and Juniper. Now I was referring to myself in third person like a fucking idiot.
Another two minutes passed. I fixed my shirt and walked out of the bathroom. I’d just actually go to the bathroom later since I wasted time now.
When I walked out Graham was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking worried, I didn’t waste any time getting into his arms and hugging him. “Dinner smells amazing.” My voice was muffled by my face being buried in his shoulder.
“Let’s eat then, before it gets cold, yeah?” He held me at arms length and had the warmest smile on his face. Ugh. I’d never get over how adorable he was.
I nodded yes and let him lead me to the gorgeously festive table. There was a gold table runner, with a small tree in the middle and a familiar set of lights that were weaved into the centerpiece. “Have a seat. I’ll grab the pinot grigio.” Graham walked off and I was left admiring his quant home.
He decorated it perfectly to the age of the house. There were vintage santa postcards framed and the larger tree in the corner had antique ornaments on it exclusively. He must have loved Grandma’s ornaments when he decorated my house. I got up to get a closer look at the tree and spotted a medium, perfectly wrapped box under the tree that said ‘from Santa to my baby’ and my heart fluttered. He did call me that a lot. Maybe this was for me? I stood back up and heard him clear his throat. “Are you snooping?”
“No.” I quickly shook my head. I did that earlier when I was in his bathroom for a stupidly long amount of time. Turns out you're not hiding anything Graham the baker.
I quickly took my spot back at the table and he walked out laughing quietly to himself, then returned with two plates piled with pasta carbonara. It looked and smelled amazing. “Graham, you spoil me.” I gushed, taking another deep breath in over the plate of food.
He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh. “When you're good, you’ll find you get rewarded more often.” I could only describe the smile on his face as evil. The man knew exactly what he was doing. He wasn’t as innocent as he looked.
Chapter 9
I don’t know what was going on in Juniper’s head but she was distracted tonight. My bet was that she was feeling guilty for leaving her grandma, but given that her grandma let me stay the night, I’m thinking I was on the approved list.
“After dinner, I do have something for you, but don’t feel like you have to give me anything.” I picked up my wine glass and she mirrored me. “To be able to bring Christmas to another Scrooge.”
She tapped her glass on mine, “To remind me how magical Christmas can be.” Ugh. My heart. I felt like I was watching the Grinch when his heart grew three sizes. “I wasn’t going to get you anything, but I did make you cupcakes and that is a miracle within itself.”
I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Well, I’ll do the cooking and baking between us.”
“Deal.” She sipped on her wine.
“I have to know, did your grandma say anything about me?” Clara and I didn’t alway see eye to eye, so I was dying to know what she said either when I was sleeping or after I left.
Juniper chewed thoughtfully, then put her fork down. “I have to tell you…” She then put her hand on my arm and I groaned. This was going to be bad. “She didn’t say a damn thing.”
My eyes flew open and I started to laugh and couldn’t stop. “Are you kidding me?”
“No.” She laughed with me. “She is so focused on Christmas and making the most of my visit she didn’t say a damn thing.”
“I’m a little hurt. I was ready to defend my honor and she didn’t say anything? Really? Are you protecting my feelings? I’m a big boy, I can handle it.” I put my hand over my heart. “I can take it.”
“Did you say big boy or good boy?” She winked then patted my cheek. “Because you are both.”
“You are lucky.” I grabbed her wrist and kissed her palm. “Do you know why?”
“Why?” Juniper batted her eyes at me.
“Because I’m hungry and I slaved away on this for you. So eat up because I have big plans tonight.” I dropped her wrist and she quietly went back to eating.
I watched as she’d glance my way then take another bite. She was planning something. “Juniper, why do you have that look on your face?”
“What look?” She smirked.
“Don’t be innocent now?”
“I am innocent. I’m just enjoying this amazing dinner you’ve provided me with.” She took another bite and hummed with approval.
I narrowed my eyes on her before returning to my dinner too. I needed to pace myself. I’d have all night with her, so ravaging her now might be fun, but I could really draw this out too. “Don’t fill up on pasta. I have snacks and hot chocolate.”
“Boozy hot chocolate?”
“Yep.” I nodded and she grinned. “Just how you like it.”
“Well, screw dinner, I want that. And we can try to eat my cupcakes.”
“I have something better.” I made a homemade pumpkin cream cheese swiss roll that I’m confident she’ll love. “But that’s a surprise.” She smiled softly then went back to eating.
Juniper was easy to be with, and I was certain that after Christmas she’d go back to the city and I’d go back to my normal life but it wouldn’t ever really be the same. I shook my head, now was not the time. For tonight, I’d enjoy her.
Every. Single. Inch.
Chapter 10
I might have said I only brought cupcakes, but I had much more planned, he’d find out later though. I wanted to see what he had planned for me.
After dinner we settled down in front of the television for more Christmas movies, which I was now rewatching but I didn’t mind. It’s the only time of year I watched them. The hot chocolate was a nice touch and he of course made a delicious swiss roll that I’d be thinking about for a long LONG time.
“Time for your present.” Graham announced as he pushed me up and I watched as he jogged off into the dining room then came back with the present. “For you.” He sat it in my lap.
“You shouldn’t have.” I said ironically.
He rolled his eyes and I laughed. “Just open it.”
I started slowly unwrapping and I saw him getting impatient. “What’s wrong?” I asked innocently and he started tapping his foot dramatically.
“Would you quit fucking around?” He sunk to the floor in front of me, running his hands up and down the back of my calves. I didn’t dress nice to be here. I figured if we’d slept together I could put on my comfy clothes, although I didn’t anticipate the snow tonight.
I tore into the package and opened the box. It was a hoodie that had a vintage Santa on it and it said ‘Big Nick Energy’. “This is perfect.” I pulled it up so that I could look at it better. “So fucking perfect. I love it.” Hugging the shirt to my chest I met his gaze and he looked so sweet, there was even a little sparkle in his eye.
“I’m glad you like it. I don’t want you to forget about me.”
“I would never.” I pulled my plain red crewneck over my head and put the hoodie on. “So cozy.” I hummed as I shimmied my shoulders. I hadn’t checked my phone since texting Mari in the bathroom when I arrived, which then reminded me that I needed to go to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.” I’d take a minute to check on Grandma while I was there.
“Don’t take forever this time.” He swatted my butt as I walked away and I yelped.
Chapter 11
Tonight was going really fucking well. She loved her shirt, the little dance was adorable. She loved the pumpkin roll and she snuggled right into me for movies and hot cocoa. I saw her anxiously checking her phone as she jogged up the stairs. I’m sure she was worried about her Grandma.
Now for the last part of my surprise. I turned down the lamp and pulled out a blanket she could take with her, you know, something that smelled like me. Then I used the app on my phone to turn up the lights behind the television. I might not have a fireplace but I can turn on a fireplace ambience to set the mood.
I turned around when I heard quick footsteps down the stairs. “Thank you for everything.” She was pulling on her jacket.
WOAH. Hold the fuck on. Did I miss something? “Leaving so soon?” I tried to sound casual but inside I was panicking. I wasn’t done yet?!
“Yeah. Grandma said she’s bored.” Juniper put her phone away, then put her hat on and wrapped her scarf around her neck and tucked it in. “I really can’t stay.”
Nice? Bored? Fucking bored? It was midnight, her grandma was sleeping. I pulled her into me, using my free hand to pull her scarf off. “But baby it’s cold outside.”
“I’ve got to go clean off my car.” She pulled at my hold, but wasn’t really fighting me all that hard.
“But baby.” I whined, “It’s cold outside.”
“Graham, I see what you are doing.” She giggled. “This evening’s been so very nice.”
“There’s that word again. Nice. Stop saying that.” I spun her around and pulled her towards the kitchen. I had more wine ready to go.
“My grandma will be pacing the floor.” Ah..now she was getting it.
I unzipped her jacket and peeled it off. She was dressed in a red bra with a bow on the front. Oh, this was for show. She was in so much trouble. What if I let her leave? “You're missing the next line…” She leaned in and kissed my cheek.
“Fuck me.” I said out of habit because I was always in a state of shock around her apparently. “Beautiful, what’s your hurry?”
“What’s in this drink?” She sipped on her wine and a little bit dripped down her chin.
I leaned in and slowly lapped it up. “The roads are slippery out. You really shouldn’t drive.”
“I wish you knew.” She sang quietly.
“How your eyes are like starlight now…” I pressed my lips against hers.
She moaned quietly, putting her hands on my hips. “To break this spell.”
I pulled her hat off and the static took puffed her hair out to the sides, making me hold back a laugh. “I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell.”
Chapter 12
I wondered when Graham would pick on what I had in store for him. I didn’t wear this uncomfortable bra, thong and garter set for fucking nothing. He’s been a gentleman except for that little tease at dinner and I was dying. I was being cradled in his hands, two fresh glasses of wine on the counter, standing in his kitchen in only a red bow bra, red thong and gold garters. “I ought to say no, no, no sir.” I fought a little in his arms but didn’t try very hard.
“Mind if I move in closer.” He pressed his body against me and I moaned involuntarily. Again. I was so fucking turned on right now.
“At least I’m gonna say that I tried.” I pulled completely away from him now and headed for the living room to find the mood shifted. He had the TV pulled up to a fireplace and the lights were down low. The glow of the Christmas tree was beautiful.
Graham gently pushed me down onto my back on the couch where he laid out a soft blanket. “What’s the sense in hurting my pride?”
“I really can’t stay…” I put my arms around him and he rolled his hips into me again. I met him this time, moving my hands down to his delicious ass and squeezing.
He growled under his breath, “Baby don’t hold out.”
We sang the next part together, “Baby, it’s cold outside.”
Graham kissed down my neck, I moaned his name and he bared his teeth to my shoulder. “Keep fucking going.” Then sucked my nipple into his mouth and bit down.
I scrambled to remember the next line, especially when he was still kissing and sucking on my nipple. I cleared my throat a few times, “I simply must go.”
“But baby, it’s cold outside.” He unclipped one of the garter straps. “Don’t fucking tell me no.” He rumbled, I could feel the vibrations on my nipple.
“Your welcome has been...” I was barely talking now, words were coming out as panting.
“I’m so goddamn lucky you dropped in.” I felt the other garter come undone and his hand skimmed up my thighs. “So nice and fucking soaked for me.” He paused his advances to look me in the eyes. “No crotch?”
Blushing. I was blushing. I wondered when he’d figure it out and I still wasn’t ready for him to find the surprise. “I don’t remember that part of the song.” My giggles turned to moans as he slid his fingers into me and used his thumb to tease my clit. “I think it’s ‘look out at the storm.’” I rolled my hips and pushed him to my side, he was laying with most of his weight on me and I was getting hot.
Yep..That’s why I was getting warm. I wasn’t looking more into it.
“Then I’d say something about someone worrying…” I thought I was going to be a smartass but as I was trying to come up with the next line Graham bit into my shoulder again.
He paused before singing again, pressing his lips to mine, “Gosh your lips look delicious.” Then sunk his teeth into my lip and followed the bite with a kiss.
“I’ve gotta get home.” I managed to get out before he pulled the end of the bow and the rest of my bra came down.
“But baby you’d freeze outside, especially in this…” He was completely off of me and I was worried he was going to leave me hanging again. Then it occurred to me that he was still dressed. Like completely. He pulled his shirt over head, then pulled his jeans and boxer briefs off.
I took this moment to finish what we started. I spotted my coat and attempted to get up. “Lend me my coat.” Now I was just fucking with him. I’d been under his spell this entire time, now I could get some power back.
Chapter 13
I needed to hear Juniper moaning around my cock, right now. “Get on your knees.” She turned around and looked at me, then slunk back down. She wanted to suck my cock as much as I wanted her to suck my cock.
Oh my fucking god. Looking down at her on her knees was a goddamn dream. “You’ve really been grand.” She said in a sultry voice, then wrapped her hands around my cock, pumping slowly.
“I thrill when you touch my cock.” I said as my hips jerked at her kissing down my shaft then lightly sucking on the head.
Then it must have occurred to her what my revision was of that line because she giggled and said, “But don’t you see? How can you do this thing to me?” She sunk my cock in her mouth and I reached down, tangling my hands in her hair. Setting the pace for her.
After a few pumps of her mouth on me, I pulled her completely off and her mouth popped with a string of drool from the corner of her mouth. “E-fucking-nough.” I did not wait this long for her to suck my dick. I wanted to fill her up and watch her squirm.
I pushed her down onto the couch, on her knees, and lined myself up. “What’s the next line Juniper? Fucking finish it.” I slammed into her and she gripped the edge of the couch.
“I really can’t stay.” Juniper’s voice was muffled with her face shoved into the cushion.
I pulled her back up tight against my chest, then wrapped my right hand around to her throat, “Get over that old out.” I kept thrusting into her again and again, and I felt her walls spasm around my cock and I was done for. “Fuck you feel so good.” I ground out as my hips jerked, emptying my cum inside her.
I first slowly let Juniper go, lowering her to the couch, then I pulled my cock out and she twitched beneath me. “Lay down baby, I bought that blanket for us.”
“This is cute.” She traced the hot chocolate cups with her fingertips. “Did you do this for the hot chocolate we had on our first date?”
“I did. You can take it with you when you leave tomorrow.”
“Oh ho ho. Tomorrow? You're assuming I’m staying the night.” She wrapped herself in the blanket and did that cute little shimmy again. “This is cozy.”
“I’m assuming I’m not going to be in the blanket with you.”
“Of course you are.” She opened the side and I slid in. Yes the floor was more uncomfortable, but I didn’t give a fuck. I had Juniper here with me. “Thanks for tonight. It’s been perfect.”
“I will never listen to Baby, It’s Cold Outside the same again.” I’d have a raging boner every single fucking time it came on.
Chapter 14
I didn’t know that I needed this in my life.
Laying on Graham’s living room floor on a bed of blankets, just making out and feeling each other up like teenagers. We did eventually move to his room and fell asleep, his larger king size bed was far more comfortable than my full sized bed.
I really liked this. I liked being with someone, I liked having someone to talk to. I liked just being around Graham in particular. It hit me at some point that it wouldn’t always be like this. We lived two hours apart. How would this even work? If there wasn’t traffic and you were speeding you could make it in an hour and a half.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Graham made me look at him, and from where I was laying it wasn’t comfortable. “You get eerily still when your brain is working overtime.”
“I hate that you notice things.” I grumbled and tried to pull away but he didn’t let go.
“Get used to it.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Because there is no way in hell I’m giving this up right now.”
Swoon. Work was really going to suck in January. “Talk girl.”
“It’s really nothing.” I didn’t think he’d buy it, but he did. Graham let go of my chin and I settled back into his arms.
“Tomorrow, I want you to come to the bakery close. I have something I’d like to do with you.”
I gasped mockingly, “In a kitchen where you serve customers. You dirty boy.”
“No.” He smacked the side of my thigh. “I want to bake with you. Remember food is my love language. Cooking with you would be fun.”
“I don’t cook.” I finally just rolled to face him so I could see his adorable face. “You know this.”
“I do. But I’ll be right there to supervise. We’ll start with cupcakes. I know you can do that.”
“I don’t even know what time it is, and we haven’t even slept yet.” I groaned, I was tired but I didn’t want to sleep and miss any time with him. “I’m too old for this shit.”
“Then sleep.” He stroked his hand through my hair and I felt my eyes getting heavy. “Graham, I like being here with you.”
“Shhh baby. We can talk more tomorrow.” His low voice was the final straw as he hummed Baby, It’s cold outside and kept running his fingers through my hair.
I expected to wake up to breakfast given how Graham took over the kitchen at my house, but this was ten times better. He woke me up, told me to take a shower and get cleaned up, and when I came out he had a shirt of his on the bed for me and breakfast in bed. Even better, he was sitting up in bed, waiting for me and looking like a fucking snack.
Be still by scrooge heart. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Why is it that everything you do, you do it looking so damn good doing it? Why are you single? Are you actually a murderer or something?” It was something I’d thought about, but I’m sure he wondered about me too.
“The bakery keeps me busy. When I said, I wouldn’t go out with you if I didn’t want to, I meant it.” He shrugged. “Now come back to bed baby, I want to eat breakfast with you.”
Giddy was the only way I could describe how I was feeling. I was giddy to just do literally anything with Graham at this point. He made everything feel so special because he put effort into it. I loved that.
Chapter 15
Breakfast in bed was everything I wanted it to be. Just Juniper and I talking about life. I heard more about the girls that she works with and how Marigold was actually the one who invited me to her place and that’s why she was so flustered when I arrived. She explained more about her grandma and the competition and what it meant to her. How her grandma had every award from the competition displayed in her room, which made me feel a little better about losing, at least she appreciated the win like I would.
I headed into the bakery at nine, and while I was exhausted, I didn’t necessarily mind. Because the reason I was exhausted was better than anything in the world right now. “Bryant, are you here?” I called through the store and he popped his head out.
“I’m here.” He grumbled as he walked out carrying a tray of cupcakes that had frosting Christmas trees on them. He was a great cake decorator, the best in town actually. People came from all over to get one of his cakes. “Nice to see you finally show up to your own business.”
“I don’t even care right now. I had the best night last night. You can’t bring me down.” I grinned and he grumbled at me before walking back into the kitchen.
When he came back out he had a tray of iced sugar cookies, they sold like crazy. Who am I kidding, everything sold like crazy this time of year. “Do you need anything?” I finished putting the cupcakes and cookies in the case.
“Nah, I'm good. It’s good to see you happy.” He shrugged. “I can’t be too mad at that.”
“I was happy before.” Bryant and I mostly just gave each other shit, we didn’t have serious talks.
“Not like this. You are always busy, and you don’t take time for yourself. This is the first time I’ve seen you do something for yourself. I can deal with holiday customers if it means you're being selfish.” He quickly walked off before I could say anything back.
When the shop opened, I let in probably ten people or more right away to pick up orders and the day didn’t slow down after that.
The bakery was closed on Sundays, this was something I established back when I opened Silent Night Treats. I made no exceptions, normally I’d stay home and have my Grandpa Otto come over, but today I got a pass because of Juniper.
I loved being here, the bakery was my second home. I turned everything on in the back kitchen and put out the ingredients that I wanted for today. Juniper should be here any minute, I told her to use the back door.
“Graham?” She stuck her head around the corner and she looked adorable as always. Bundled up with her long coat, scarf, hat and boots. “Is there somewhere I can put my stuff and change my shoes?”
“Uh, yeah. My office.” I put down what I was working on and showed her where to go. Once she stripped off the layers, I saw she had on her Big Nick Energy hoodie and it made my heart soar. “Nice shirt.” I winked and she giggled.
“For once I’m more festive than you are.” She motioned to my black shirt and jeans.
“I’m used to being here for work, so I didn’t even think about it.” I stood in front of her and tipped her face up to mine. “So beautiful.” Her cheeks turned pink and she leaned into my touch. “I could just kiss you all day.”
“Please do.” She tried to be smooth, but I was able to fluster her sometimes. It was nice not being the flustered one for once. Juniper always seemed so put together and intimidating. “What are we doing today?”
Chapter 16
Baking with Graham was something I’d been wanting to do and it was a bonus that we got to use the huge kitchen at the bakery. “What are we doing today?”
He beamed at me, “We are going to make an award winning Stollen for the competition and festival next weekend.” He led me into the kitchen, “And I thought we could make proper cupcakes to take back to your Grandma.”
“She’d love that.” He took an apron off the hook and motioned for me to turn around, then tied it on. “This is too big for me.” I laughed as he wrapped the tie around me twice.
“It’s Bryant’s, he’s my only full time worker. I have a couple other people that help out front but they don’t come back here unless they are stocking up front.” Graham expertly navigated his kitchen. I saw the ingredients out in front of me like a cooking show. “You cannot mess this up. I pulled a recipe from my grandpa’s book.” He slid it across the counter to me. “Mocha cupcakes.”
“Those sound good.” Graham was always listening and I’m certain that this is a call back to our first date where I said my favorite color was mocha brown. “I don’t suppose…”
“That is because you said your favorite color was mocha brown. Yes. You would suppose correctly.” Then he tapped his temple. “I’m always listening.”
“I am noticing that.” Every day that I was with Graham, I felt more and more comfortable. “What do we need to do first for these cupcakes?” I saw the recipe and it looked easy enough.
“Set the oven to 350.” He pointed to the oven behind me. I hit bake and the temp came up automatically, then hit start. Alright, that was easy enough. “I made the coffee this morning, so we don’t need to do that.”
“This looks like a cooking show.” I waved over the table of premeasured everything. “I literally cannot fail.”
Graham walked around behind me and put his hands on my hips, then leaned down and kissed my neck. “It’s like that was the point.”
“You shush.” He then turned me towards the large mixing bowl. “You are going to put in the sugar, coffee, oil, eggs, vinegar and vanilla and mix it all together.”
“Got it boss.” I saluted and felt the rumble of a laugh at my back.
“While you do that, I’m going to mix up the dry goods.” The warmth at my back was gone and I got to work. I’d used a mixer like this before, it wasn’t difficult and I was determined to show him that I could do this.
“When you are done, let me know and we’ll mix them together in the bowl you have started.” Graham was so methodical, it was mesmerizing to watch. I guess you don’t own a bakery and not know what you're doing. We got the ingredients mixed with only the small mishap of me nearly dropping the heavy mixing bowl.
“Now that that’s done, I’m giving you an easy job.” He put the paper liners in my hand. “Put these in here.” Then slid a pan across to me.
“I’m a bit better than this.” I huffed, crossing my arms.
He pointed to the bowl that I almost dropped less than ten minutes ago, “It’s that or you handle that bowl while we pour it into the liners?” I quickly picked up the liners again and he laughed. “That’s what I thought. I made up the frosting already because melting chocolate isn’t for the faint of heart.”
“Thank you. I’ve wrecked a few batches of chocolate that way.”
“Same.” I put the liners in and he poured each one carefully, not messing up a single one. “Perfect. Now they bake for twenty minutes.” He opened the door and I put the pan in. “While we wait I started the Stollen already, so I’m going to finish that. Bryant is tired of being my tester, so it’s your turn.”
I found a spot out of the way to watch Graham work and I loved seeing him in his element. A part of me wanted to get my phone out and save this moment in a video. He would look at me and smile then go back to work. I wanted to know what he was thinking but he was so focused on what he was doing. Before he put in the bread, he turned and beckoned me over with a head nod. “Your grandma always says she has a secret ingredient, and now I have my own. Come here.”
I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but I’d play along. I hopped off the counter and stood next to him. He stepped back and used his hand to push me in front of him. “Make sure this is the best Stollen I’ve ever eaten.”
“How might I do that?” My voice was breathier than I intended. He peppered kisses along my shoulder. “Oh..” I braced myself on the counter as he pressed into my back.
“I think you know what I’m asking.” He moaned into my shoulder and I felt his cock against my ass. “This one is for us, but if it’s better than the others, then I’ll definitely need your help next week.”
Graham continued his assault of kisses and bites on my shoulder and I was getting more and more worked up. “Fuck Graham, you are killing me.”
“Good.” Then he stepped back and I was left standing there, braced on the counter, hot and bothered. “You can ice the cupcakes, they should be cool now.”
Chapter 17
I would never get tired of working Juniper up and leave her hanging. Just teasing her again and again. She played into it every single time. I wouldn’t fuck her right now, I didn’t want to wreck this batch of Stollen, but maybe I could get time with her tonight. The last thing I wanted to do though was to take time away from Clara. I was barely in the door with her, now wasn’t the time to push it.
“The cupcakes look good, babe.” I showed her the trick of making the top of the icing flat with wax paper, then how to pipe pine trees.
“Thanks, they taste good too.” She swiped her finger through the icing in the bowl and sucked her finger into her mouth.
“Why don’t you share?” I leaned back on the counter and crossed my arms over my chest.
She swiped her finger through the icing again, then sauntered over to me. “Would you like some Graham?”
Grabbing her wrist, I jerked her towards me until she crashed into my chest. “I asked, why don’t you share?”
“Because these are for me.” She was acting like a brat on purpose. “You said these cupcakes are for Grandma, therefore they are for me.”
“Want to try that again?” I’d give her one more chance to redeem herself before she started racking up spankings.
I put her finger to my lips. “If we eat a cupcake now, then we’ll spoil the amazing dinner I’m sure you have planned.”
I did have something planned before she went back to her grandmas, but it wasn’t just dinner. I had more in mind. “Something like that.” That’s one spanking.
“Oh, something like that.” She mocked, fighting the hold I had on her wrist as I drew her finger into my mouth and swirled my tongue around her finger before pulling it out with a pop. Her head rolled back and I saw her breathing pick up. Two spankings.
“To disarm such a beautiful woman is quite the superpower.” And I felt really fucking powerful right now.
“Use it wisely.” Her voice was quiet and her eyes now met my gaze.
“I’d really love to cherry your ass with more than two spankings.” Juniper’s eyes got big. “I have a nice leather belt at home I’d love to use.”
“So we can head out right?” Now Juniper was back, attitude and all.
“No, we have to finish the Stollen, then I’m going to feed it to you again.”
“Are we going to eat it clothed or naked?” She grinned.
Three spankings. “Ma’am this is a commercial kitchen, we won’t be fucking here.” I dropped her wrist as the timer went off for the bread. “Now, go back to your spot.” I pointed to the counter where she was sitting before. “Wouldn’t want your attitude to ruin this very special loaf of Stollen.”
I saw Juniper shake her head before she shuffled back to where I put her before. “Now you're getting it.” She said something under her breath before sitting back and looking at her phone.
I let the Stollen cool and sprinkled powdered sugar over the top of it, then cleaned up the kitchen. I would have let Juniper help, except that I was a bit anal about where things went and how this particular kitchen should be. I carefully sliced up the bread and put it on a plate for us to share. If this was the award winning loaf, then I wanted to savor it.
Chapter 18
It was probably a good thing that I stayed back and let Graham work, he was a one man show. I would have just been in the way.
This also gave me time to tell the girls how everything was going and send cute, sneaky pictures of Graham to them. They all agreed, he is adorable. Although the lack of Christmas gear was noted in their messages. I’d have to discuss that with him later.
Graham carefully sliced the Stollen, then plated it and walked towards me on a mission. I opened my knees and he stood between them. “Open up.”
“This was more fun when we were naked on the floor.” I huffed because he’d been keeping me on edge all day.
“I promise you that next time we get together, I have something very special planned.” He winked, then held up a small bite of the bread. “Now open up. You go first.”
I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. He carefully placed the fork on my tongue and kept one hand under my chin to catch the crumbs. Why did that one little gesture make my insides tingle? I chewed thoughtfully and considered fucking with him, but how could I? This was amazing. “By the look on your face I can tell that this is the winning Stollen.”
Graham took his own bite and he hummed in agreement. “Amazing. You are amazing.” He dropped the fork next to me and cupped my face in his hands, making me giggle profusely.
“I didn’t do anything with this. That’s all you.” I said through my giggles.
“But you were here so it was you who made it better.” He leaned in and kissed the end of my nose, then peppered kisses all over my face which made me giggle more. He was breaking down the rest of the sarcastic barrier I kept around myself. “I don’t suppose you can be around when I make this on Friday?”
“No can do. I’m helping Grandma.” The look on Graham’s face was heartbreaking.
“I figured, but I thought I’d ask. I respect Clara. I won’t kidnap you for the day.” Then a softer, sweeter kiss on the corner of my mouth. “We can go. I’m sure that Clara is waiting for you to bring back all of the baking secrets from my kitchen.”
“She did ask if I could bring back a muffin, if you had any that is.” Grandma would never admit it, but she loved to get baked goods from Silent Night Treats. Especially the orange cranberry muffins. She always had one on the counter when I got to her house.
“I can probably manage that.” He walked back to where I saw a stack of plastic containers and he pulled out a four pack of muffins. “Orange cranberry?”
“Yes please. She did ask nicely.” Another giggle. Who was I right now? He sat them down next to me, “Off we go m’lady.” I took his hand and he led me back to his office and then walked me out to my car. After one final sexy as hell kiss, he let me go and I drove away from the bakery.
Grandma was waiting eagerly for me, she had her arms open for a hug then quickly took the muffins and headed for the kitchen to put them away. “I’m so glad you're back. I have snacks and our movie is cued up.”
“Hold on, I need to put on comfy clothes, then I’ll be right back.” I jogged to my room and changed, although I did keep on the hoodie that Graham gave me. As I walked past the blanket he gave me, I snatched it up. If I couldn’t hang out with him tonight, I’d have my blanket.
Chapter 19
I didn’t get to see Juniper all week and it was killing me. Monday and Tuesday were spent all day at the bakery, then cleaning up at night. Silent Night Treats was my baby, I built it from the ground up, networking with restaurants in Port Crimson then spreading out further. Bryant constantly griped about the increasing work, but he stuck around. Probably out of friend guilt but I needed him so I wouldn’t point that out.
Thursday was really my last day to see Juniper before I did my full day of baking on Friday for the festival and competition on Saturday. I had so many plans that I wanted to do with Juniper but the days were flying and she’d be going back to Madison soon and I’d be here in Port Crimson.
Juniper: Are you free today?
I didn’t even hesitate to answer her. I’d deal with Bryant for asking him to stay late again.
Me: I can be for you.
Juniper: Grandma is busy tonight, so that means…
Me: You are coming over.
This was not a question on purpose. It was a demand. I wanted to see her.
Juniper: When would you want me to come over sir?
Me: Watch it. You still have three spankings, I can add more.
Juniper: *blushing emoji*
Me: Come over at 8
Bryant would be pissed, but he’d understand. I’d let him sleep in tomorrow and I’d owe him some PTO days. That should appease him.
Juniper: Got it boss. Anything you want me to bring?
Me: That lingerie set again. I have something special planned.
Juniper: LOL okay
Well, today at work would be the slowest day on the planet.
I got to Silent Night before Bryant and did a lot of the projects that he normally did. Maybe that would soften him up a bit. He walked in and immediately my stomach dropped. He looked like shit. “Good morning.” He nodded as he walked by, sniffling and grabbing a tissue off the counter. “It’s just sinuses. I swear.”
“Do you need me to stay late tonight?” He asked immediately, seeing that I’d done extra this morning. I ran my hand through my hair, which was all the answer he needed. “You owe me so fucking much.”
“I know. How’s two days of PTO after the new year?” Now the bribery starts.
“It’s a start.” He put on a mask and started working on a batch of sugar cookies.
I don’t know how many people came in but it was insane. Locals and people who visit for the season. I was rushing to get out on time but it just didn’t work out. It was an all hands on deck situation and we didn’t get done until ten, and the bakery closed at nine.
I hadn’t been able to check my phone, but I hoped that Juniper wasn’t just sitting at my house. “Bryant, I’m heading out.”
He waved because at some point he lost his voice. Dude was getting sick but I wasn’t about to admit to that. I needed him tomorrow. “Tomorrow, seven AM.”
He gave me a thumbs up and I ran out, checking my phone as I got into the car my heart sank.
Juniper: I’m here.
Juniper: You home?
Juniper: Clearly not, I’ll go back to Grandmas.
Juniper: I’m helping Grandma.
Juniper: It’s getting late, I’m going to bed.
Juniper: Hopefully I see you tomorrow, otherwise I’ll see you Saturday.
Each message was further and further apart. On top of that it was snowing pretty badly so I definitely wasn’t going to call her now. It took me half an hour to get home, nothing had been plowed or salted.
As I pulled into the garage I saw the Christmas tree on and it didn’t bring me the joy that it normally does. I just wanted one more night with Juniper before she spent Christmas with her Grandma, then went home. I fucked up so badly.
Chapter 20
Grandma pushed me out of the house to go to Grahams, unfortunately he wasn’t there and I figured that close to Christmas the bakery was probably swamped. It was a lot to ask for him to be available tonight, so I’m not sure why he offered.
After fifteen minutes I decided to find the spare key and break in. If he couldn’t be home, I’d make sure to be here when he came home. I didn’t put on this uncomfortable set again for nothing. But…I did want to surprise Graham. So I texted him periodically throughout the evening implying that I was with Grandma.
What I didn’t plan on was falling asleep on the couch in one of his hoodies and wearing the lingerie underneath. Leftover Chinese was in the fridge for him too. If anything I could see him off to the bakery in the morning.
The last thing I remember was watching a movie and the lights on his tree slowly blinking and lulling me to sleep.
Chapter 21
As I walked into the house I immediately saw that someone was here and sincerely hoped that it would be Juniper. I desperately wanted to see her.
I first saw heeled feet hanging over the arm of the chair, then I saw Juniper’s sleeping form under the hot chocolate blanket I got her. She must have brought it back with her, which tugged at my heart strings a bit.
I walked around the couch and dropped down next to her, her eyes slowly opened. “Graham.”
“Baby, you are here.”
“I am here.” She stretched, then folded her arms around my neck. “You smell good. Your house smells good.” Her sleepy little voice was adorable.
“Thank you.” I kissed her forehead and slowly peeled back the blanket. I needed to see if she had on as little as I thought she did. I skimmed my hand up her gartered thigh, then to her hip where I passed over a thin strap, then up her side. Slowly pushing the hoodie, that was mine, and up to the bow in the middle of the bra. “Fuck me that sexy.”
I needed to rally, I was really fucking tired. Like I could sleep right now and I should, but I needed to be with Juniper more. “I’ll be right back, okay?” She nodded yes and I quickly walked away.
I also had something planned, just like she did.
Chapter 22
I sat up, took off the hoodie and moved to the chair by the Christmas tree. Then when he came back he’d walk right back into a view of me, in the outfit he requested, and ready to execute my surprise for the night.
Graham turned the corner and I knew he was floored because he froze. Just stared at me. Then the piece de resistance, I turned on Santa Baby. He walked around the couch then dropped down. I could see the front of his sweats were tented, there was no way he had underwear on and I loved that.
Grandma and I loved the song Santa Baby, so I knew the words by heart. “Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree, for me.” Another fun thing, I found one of grandma’s furs…so of course I brought it with me. If he could plan out an entire night, I could plan out a little strip tease. “Been an awful good girl, Santa baby so hurry down the chimney tonight.”
I did a little spin, dropping the fur in his lap, then some improvising because I was out of breath, leaving out a few lines. Whew, I needed to do more than sit behind a desk all day. “A ‘54 convertible too, light blue. I’ll wait up for you dear, so hurry down the chimney tonight.”
Graham better appreciate this because it was a lot more work than I thought. I turned and unclipped the first garter. “I’ll wait up for you, dear.” Then unclipped the other garter.
It was his turn, I wanted to touch him. Locking eyes with him, I straddled his lap. “Think of all the fun I’ve missed. Think of all the fellas that I haven’t kissed.”
That got his attention, he grabbed my chin and pulled my face down. “Try that again.”
The song kept playing and I kept going. “Next year I could just kiss you, anytime I want.”
Graham smiled against my lips and mouthed better. “Santa baby, I want a yacht and that’s really not a lot. Been an angel all year…”
“I highly doubt that.” He growled as he devoured me in a kiss.
He let go as the next line came up, “Santa honey, one little thing I really need…” I pushed back on Graham’s chest so that I could see his handsome, lustful face. His eyes met mine despite the easy to remove bra that I knew was killing him. “The deed to a platinum mine.”
He laughed quietly and picked up his slack. “Santa cutie, and fill my stockings with the duplex and checks. Sign your ‘x’ on the line.”
“Come and trim my Christmas tree, with some decorations bought at Tiffany’s, I really do believe in you, let’s see if you believe in me.” I slid down Graham’s lap and then pulled on the waistband of his pants. He obviously obliged and let me slide them completely off. “Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing. A ring.”
And now the second surprise. Third? I don’t even know at this point. I reached behind me and pulled out the small bag I’d hidden under the table.
Chapter 23
I looked down at Juniper, who’s hand was reaching behind her and she came up with a small bag. What the fuck was she about to do and why did I already love it?
“A ring, I don’t mean on the phone.” She pulled out a cock ring and a small tube of lube. Then put a small amount of lube on her finger and ran it around the inside of the ring. “Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.” As she said hurry down the chimney tonight she slid the ring down until it was at the base of my cock and I moaned. Fuck that felt incredible, then she turned on the vibration and that about sent me. “Do you like that?”
“Fuck yes I do.” I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her up to my face, she scrambled up awkwardly until she was straddling my lap again. “Slide your soaked pussy onto my cock.”
Juniper opened her mouth but nothing came out as I lined her up with my cock. The low vibrations were making me crazy and I knew they’d get her too. As she settled down her body buckled forward and I caught her face in my hands. “This is quite the show you put together.”
She breathed out a thanks as she rolled her hips slowly. I knew she was holding back but this wouldn’t last long. I was so fucking worked up. I’d take my time later with her. “Ride me baby, show me how much you missed me today.”
My self control was dwindling, and I needed her to come with me this time. She deserved to be rewarded for setting all of this up. I used one hand to hold her face and the other to push on her lower back, moving her back and forth with more pressure than she was applying herself. “Come on, I know you're holding back on me.”
“Graham…I want…”
I made her look at me, “You want what Juniper?”
“I want you to come with me. I want to feel you cock jerk inside me. I want to feel you fill me up.” She didn’t stop moving by the way I was holding her, but she was limited. Which left her with her clit sitting right over the ring.
“Oh you’ll feel me alright.” I popped my hips up and she gasped. “Now fucking let go and show me how badly you missed my cock.”
Juniper didn’t waste any time taking orders from me this time. She moved her hands up from my sides to my shoulders, “Fuck Graham, I’m so close right now.” Then I’d help her. I slid my hands up her beautiful body, then cupped her amazing tits in my hands. Pinching her nipples. She moaned again and I felt her muscles rippling around my cock. I pinned her body down the best I could, I wanted to feel everything and I wanted her to feel me coming inside her.
She came to a stop and I quit thrusting up into her. Her body collapsed onto mine and I hit the button on the cock ring so the vibrating would stop. “I’m glad you stayed.” I kissed her shoulder.
“I’m glad I stayed.” She sighed and nestled her face into my neck. Now to get to bed and rest for tomorrow.
Chapter 24
Friday morning was quiet, Graham left early and I loved how cozy his house was. He had a small tree in the corner of his bedroom that gave the room a warm glow. I got dressed and cleaned off my car and the sinking feeling hit me. This would probably be the last time that I’d see him for a bit. I was going home the day after Christmas, I had originally intended on staying the weekend but Mari messaged me that they needed some things at the office.
“Grandma I’m here.” I walked in and the overwhelming smell of Stollen filled my nose. “What’s going on here?”
“I made Stollen last night for this weekend.” She said proudly, putting the last loaf out on the counter.
I was floored. We always made it together. Every year. And she didn’t wait for me? “This was your plan? To make Stollen without me?”
“You're happy with Graham, I see that. I figured he might need help today.” Then she winked. “He’s a newbie. He could use all the help he can get.”
“Grandma! Are you saying what I think you're saying?”
“Go help Graham dear. You're a pro at making Stollen, help him win this year.” She hugged me then walked off laughing to herself.
After a quick stop to grab a tray of coffees I parked behind the bakery. They appeared to be closed today, which made sense. When I walked in it was quiet with the exception of Christmas music playing from the kitchen. I dropped my jacket in his office and changed into my tennis shoes, then walked into the kitchen.
Graham was running around, pulling bread out, then putting another loaf in and then putting powdered sugar on a cooled loaf. “I’m here to help.” I called from behind him.
“Thank fuck. Bryant is sick, I felt bad taking you away from Clara so here I am. Running my ass off.” He pointed to the powdered sugar station. “Can you powder those, then cut them into slices and put the slices in the bags?”
“Of course.” He had the project already started so I took over. He continued his process which even when chaotic, was still organized.
By the end of the day, I was covered in powdered sugar. He made extra loaves of Stollen to sell at the shop so we ended up with twenty loaves. I powdered and packaged every single slice. As I finished up, he cleaned up and definitely relaxed as the day wrapped up. “I don’t know that I could have done this without you.”
“You would have done great.” I stood in front of him and he wiped my face gently with his sleeve. “Hey…”
“You are covered in sugar.” Graham did another wipe and struggled in his hold. “Sit still or I’ll lick it off.”
“Fine fine.” I let him finish wiping my face, then he kissed me softly. “I should go home, Grandma might need help.”
“I know. I had fun today Juniper, thank you for helping me. This is my year. I can feel it.” My heart fluttered in my chest as he slowly kissed me. “See you tomorrow morning at the festival.”
“I’ll see you there.” I walked out and he went back to cleaning.
Chapter 25
It was the day of the festival and baking competition. I had boxed up the packages that Juniper put together for me yesterday and sat them on the table that one of the seasonal girls was running. I wandered off to meet Clara and Juniper, and I was hoping to run into my Grandpa. He was back from Florida for December, then he went back. Christmas meant a lot to him and spending time in town with me and his friends is something he’s always come back for.
“Graham!” I turned around and Grandpa was weaving through the people with Clara of all people hanging on his arm. “Look who I found.” He motioned to Clara and I started laughing.
“I know who she is, Gramps, Clara is my competition.”
“Oh no way.” Grandpa hugged her to his side. “I found her sipping on a mimosa in the warming tent.”
Clara met my gaze and actually gave me a warm smile, “Good luck today Graham the baker.” She winked and I shook my head. She was being far too nice.
I spotted Juniper walking through the crowd surrounded by women. This must be the girls from work that she talked about. “Graham!” A taller woman waved enthusiastically. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Marigold.”
“Nice to meet you.” I nodded, then the rest of them stepped up. Each eyeing me up, then shaking my hand. I wanted to see Juniper though. She stepped out of the group and hugged me. “The competition has started, so far yours seems to be popular.” She held up one of the bags. “I know who I’m voting for.”
“Us too.” Marigold announced taking a big bite of the Stollen.
I turned to talk to my Grandpa but he was walking off with Clara, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “That’s cute.” Juniper nudged my side. “We had a busy night last night, so I’m glad to see she’s up and moving today.”
“I guess you can meet my Grandpa later.” I shrugged, he also looked thrilled to have someone to listen to his ramblings about Port Crimson.
“It’s okay.” Juniper looked around, then back at me. “I guess my friends are leaving me with you. Let’s go see what we can find.”
I am more like my Grandpa than I thought, I also loved walking around and telling Juniper about Port Crimson. We ended up by my table and over half the slices were gone. We’d found Clara’s table and it was also just about cleaned off. One of the neighbor kids was running it and we took a sample. “Vote for Clara.” She yelled after us. Which made both of us laugh.
“Graham, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you.” Juniper pulled me into a warming tent. I felt her shivering, if she didn’t find somewhere warm I was going to. “This has been really fun. I’m glad I took a chance on the guy who said he loved Christmas.”
“I’m glad you did too.” This felt like goodbye and I hated it. I hated it so much. “I have to go home on the twenty sixth right away.” She said quietly, “But we’ll find a way to see each other again, okay?”
“I plan on it, Baby.” I kissed her forehead.
A whistle got our attention, “It’s time to announce the winner.” Mari was standing there with all the other girls, whose names I forgot.
Before I could say anything Juniper dragged me behind her and out to the stage.
Chapter 26
We stood at the front of the stage, looking up at Graham’s grandpa who was announcing the winner this year apparently. “Good afternoon everyone. The votes are in and the winner of the baking competition is…” I squeezed Graham’s arm and he flexed his bicep. His eyes didn’t leave the stage though. “My grandson and the owner of Silent Night Treats, Graham.” Clapping erupted around us and Graham froze.
I pushed him towards the stairs but he didn’t move that way. Instead he turned to face me and pulled me up into his arms. “I knew you were my good luck.” He said into my shoulder, then he leaned back and held my face in his hands.
Ugh. That move got me every time. “Thank you for everything. I’ll never forget this.”
“I won’t either.” He kissed me feverishly and people around us cheered, my friends being a big part of the yelling. “Let’s go.” He dropped his hands and led up the stairs to his Grandpa and my Grandma.
Then something happened that I never expected. My Grandma pulled out her recipe, then Otto pulled his card out. They held out the worn out cards to Graham and they were identical. Right down to the note on the back that said, ‘make with love’. “Congrats son.” His Grandpa beamed. “You did great.”
My grandma hugged Graham. “You now have my special ingredient. Treat her well.”
Graham and I both stood there, stunned. We’d need a story for sure. They didn’t just meet. That’s for sure. The crowd cheered again and Graham took a bow, then motioned for me to bow too. “You helped me too. There’s no way I would have done it otherwise.”
I bowed with him and he walked me off stage.
Christmas Day
“Grandma! They are here!” Otto and Graham walked in, their hands full of baked goods, including cupcakes that I made and muffins for Grandma’s stash.
“I’m coming!” She walked out dressed in her best Mrs. Clause get up. She looked adorable and happy. Otto had on the Santa Clause jacket and pants, then Graham and I in our ‘big nick energy’ shirts. “Otto! Graham!” She hugged both of them, then Otto and Grandma walked off.
“Hey baby.” Graham hugged me, “Merry Christmas.” He kissed my forehead. “I know we said no more presents, but I did get you something to open today.”
“I did too.” I winked and he groaned.
“Juniper, please tell me it has to do with Christmas lights and bows.” He snaked his hands under my hoodie and I had on the bra he liked. There was no way I was buying two of those things.
“Everything else is packed up neatly for tonight.” I winked again, this time more dramatically and he laughed.
“Jesus you are fucking perfect.” Graham picked me up into his arms and spun me around.
Otto cleared his throat in the doorway to the dining room and Graham put me down. “Dinner is ready, kids.” He said warmly before walking away.
“Hurry, our favorite song is on!” Grandma called from the dining room, then I heard Santa baby and Graham was blushing.
Graham dragged his feet as I pulled him around, just like always and he stopped me in the doorway. “You know you still need a spanking and you keep adding to the count.” His voice was low in my ear and goosebumps erupted on my neck.
“What am I up to Graham the baker.” I rubbed my ass against him.
“Three. Now four.” He grabbed my hips to still them.
“Dance with us!” Grandma yelled as they danced in front of us then proceeded around the room.
Graham twirled me around, then we danced in the dining room with Otto and my Grandma to Santa Baby. Graham and I tried to sing along, but I kept giggling at the faces he was making when I improvised the lyrics like I did when we last listened to the song together.
The End
Thank you everyone for your support, this novella has been SO fun to write! I hope you loved Graham and Juniper as much as I did. I could have gone on and on, so you may see more from them in the future.
If you like a bit more of Juniper’s friends, check out Wanderlust on Amazon.
If you want more Port Crimson, check out my Halloween, masked men novella.
Stollen is a fruit bread of nuts, spices, and dried or candied fruit, coated with powdered sugar or icing sugar and often containing marzipan.
Prep Time: 30 mins, Cook Time: 40 mins, Additional Time: 1 hr 40 mins, Total Time: 2 hrs 50 mins, Servings: 15, Yield: 1 stollen, Original recipe (1X) yields 15 servings
⅔ cup warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
2 ½ cups bread flour
⅓ cup white sugar
⅓ cup butter, softened
1 large egg
½ tablespoon salt
⅔ cup diced candied citron
⅓ cup currants
⅓ cup golden raisins
⅓ cup red candied cherries, quartered
6 ounces marzipan
1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Gather all ingredients.
- Place warm milk and yeast in a bowl. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
- Place yeast mixture, 2 cups bread flour, white sugar, butter, egg, and salt in a large mixing bowl; stir well to combine. Add remaining flour, 1/4 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition.
- When dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface; knead in candied citron, currants, golden raisins, and cherries. Continue kneading until smooth, about 8 minutes.
- Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl, and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
- Lightly grease a baking sheet. Deflate dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll marzipan into a rope and place in the center of the dough.
- Fold dough over to cover it; pinch the seams together to seal. Place the loaf, seam-side down, on the prepared baking sheet.
- Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake stollen in the preheated oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) and bake for a further 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.
- Let cool on a wire rack, then dust with confectioners' sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Wisconsin-based author Heather Moore works her boring office job during the day and when her mind isn’t consumed with the next story to obsess over, she hangs out with her husband and dogs watching TV or traveling around the state. While not new to writing, she is new to putting her morally gray characters and their stories out into the world.
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