Stollen for Christmas Part 1 by Heather Moore - NSFW

Published on 15 December 2024 at 08:00

Chapter 1



Sitting at my desk on Black Friday isn’t what I had in mind but I needed to get this report done before I left for the weekend. 


“Hey? Why are you still here?” My boss Marigold scared the shit of me and I nearly threw my water bottle at her when she peeked her head into my office.


“You scared me!” I shrieked as I took a few deep breaths. 


She had her hands on her knees laughing hysterically. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought I was the only one here.”


“Nope. I’m getting the reports you wanted before I leave for the weekend.” I had a date tonight with a cute guy I matched with online and I was sincerely hoping I wasn’t being catfished. Because his picture was amazing. I immediately swiped. No hesitation. 


“Girlfriend. Fucking leave.” Marigold walked around the desk and pulled me up. “We will all still be here Monday, then I’ll bust your ass. But it’s seven PM on a Friday. Get out of here.” 


“Hold on.” I dug my heels in. “Why are you here?”


“I own the place.” She said simply, then continued to pull me towards the elevator. 


Swiping my purse and coat as we walked by, I knocked over the pen cup on my desk and they fell onto the floor. “I’ll get that later I guess.” I griped and she laughed. 


“Go home. Do whatever you're supposed to be doing tonight.” She pressed the button to the elevator and the door opened. “Good night Juniper.” Marigold waved enthusiastically as the door closed and I was on my way down. 


I guess I was going home to get ready for my date. 

Chapter 2



I stared at the picture on my phone of the gorgeous brunette that swiped on my profile. I was thirty seven years old and I was too fucking old for dating apps, but with with my bakery doing so well, I didn’t have time to date. Even if I had women throwing themselves at me constantly. 


I cleaned up my station for the night and made sure all of the ovens were off, then closed up. It was time to get ready for my date with…shit. What was her name? I should definitely know that before I got to the bar where we agreed to meet. 


After my shower, I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that said ‘big nick energy’ with a vintage santa on it. I loved Christmas and if that was a turn off for a woman, then I guess we aren’t meant to be. I didn’t put a lot of effort into my hair but I did put some hair gel in it and pushed it off my face. That annoyed me. “Here we go. Time to impress…” Shit. Her name. I never went back and looked up her name. 


I opened my phone and she’d messaged me an hour ago. Fuck. I shouldn’t have been so worried about this. I was a nice guy, I talked to people all day. Why was this one little date flustering me?


Juniper: Are we still on for tonight? Theo’s at 9pm? 


Juniper. That’s right. That’s her name. Fuck I’m an idiot. 


Me: Yes. Still on for tonight. See you then. 


We decided to meet later because she said she had to work, which was fine. That meant I didn’t have to rush from cleaning up the bakery and I had time to drive into town. 


Juniper: Great, see you then!


Well, she answered quickly which was a good sign. 


Juniper. Juniper. Juniper. Don’t make a fool of yourself by messing up her fucking name. I coached myself all the way into town and as I parked my car on the curb near Theo’s I saw her getting out of a cab in front of Theo’s. She had on a dark green sweater and tight black jeans with heels on. 


Fuck me. I didn’t stand a chance. She was gorgeous. 

Chapter 3



I waited anxiously on the sidewalk for Graham. He said he was coming, he wouldn’t lie about that, would he? 


Couples filed past me and I was disheartened each time someone would look at me sadly then continue past. One man did stop and talk to me, but I said I was waiting for someone and he continued on. 


Then I spotted Graham. Wow, he was gorgeous. His profile said he was a baker and loved Christmas. I imagined a nerd, which was fine with me. I was beyond the looks of someone…that’s what I told myself as I stared at the selfie he posted all day. 


My eyes scanned down his body and a giggle burst from my lips. Big nick energy. That’s hysterical. He pulled his flannel closed and jogged across the street. As he got closer, I got a better look at his lean physique. Wow, he was so handsome. Graham stopped in front of me, clearly shivering. “You must be Juniper?”


He remembered my name right away. Damn. The bar is on the floor if I’m impressed by that. “Graham I take it?”


“Yeah.” His teeth chattered. 


“Want to go in?”


“Yes please.” His voice faltered and I stifled a laugh as we walked in. Boys refusing to wear coats. Idiots. 


I found a cozy spot at the bar and slid in, pulling Graham behind me. “What do you want?”


“Spiked hot chocolate?” He grinned. 


“Of course. Tis the season.” I put money on the bar. “The first one's on me.” 


“Wow. Okay.” He ducked his head, and his hair fell on his face. He had great hair. Another check mark for the good part of this. His face was scruffy, but not unkempt. Which gave him a lumberjack quality that I liked. 


I opened his flannel and he met my gaze with a boyish grin. “Either you're playing into the note in your bio that you like Christmas or you actually do like Christmas.” 


“I really like Christmas.” He fixed his shirt. “And it’s a funny shirt. I figured if anything you can tell your friends that you went on a date with a guy who wore a shirt that said ‘big nick energy’. You’ll all get a good laugh.” 


I’d definitely be telling my friends about this and he’ll definitely be ‘big nick energy’ guy. “They will for sure.” I dropped my hands. I was being intimidating when I didn’t need to be. He was clearly nervous. My nerves just came out as misplaced confidence. 


The bartender walked over and picked up the cash. “What can I get for you two?”


“Do you have spiked hot chocolate?”


“Of course.” She beamed. “We can add Rum Chata or Bailey’s.” 


“I’ll take Rum Chata.” I looked up at Graham and he nodded. “Two of those please.” 


“Great, I’ll be right back.” 


The girl walked off and I turned back to Graham. “Have you eaten yet?”


He put his arm on my waist, pulling me out of the way of someone charging through the crowd. “No, I didn’t.” Now we were very close and it was intoxicating. He smelled so good…like a bakery and he smelled delicious. I wanted to get closer to him.


I internally slapped myself. I hadn’t been with a man in a long time, I didn’t need to give it up so easily. But him in his cute shirt and flannel…he was looking pretty good right now. Who was I kidding, he was looking very good right now. “Why do you smell like a bakery?”


“I own a bakery in Port Crimson.” 


“That’s cool!” I grew up there and I didn’t know of any bakery in town. “Where is it?”


“Downtown, I opened it last year. Silent Night Treats. I open at ten in the morning and close at nine at night.” We both looked up when the hot chocolate sat down in front of us, then the bartender made a show of piling whipped cream on top. It looked amazing. 


“Let’s go find a table and we can talk more.” I took the lead and pulled him behind me to the dining room and found a quiet table in the corner. 



Chapter 4



I thought myself to be the one to take charge, but here I was being led around by a five foot something who commanded the room. I saw people looking at us. Probably wondering how some idiot like me got someone as beautiful as her. 


We sat down and Juniper leaned forward, with her elbows on the table and her mug in her perfectly manicured hands. She looked fucking adorable. “Tell me about your bakery. Silent Night Treats. I love the name.” She seemed so interested in me and I was feeling really good about this actually, considering it was some girl I found on a dating app. 


“Well, I started it with my grandpa, who also bakes. He is pretty famous in town.” Port Crimson wasn’t large though, it didn’t take much to be well known for something. People still talked about the bank robbery several years ago that remained unsolved. “He always made baked goods out of his house and gave them away to the neighbors, when I was old enough to join him, I’d come over on the weekends and we’d bake all weekend.” I slowly stopped talking because Juniper was just sitting there smiling at me and I was starting to feel like I was running the conversation. “Why do you tell me something about you?”


“Oh, I’m not known for anything as cool as running a legendary bakery in Port Crimson.” She smiled softly. “I grew up there. That’s why I asked. I too visited my Grandma and baked on the weekends.” 


“Small world.” I said quietly, picking up my hot chocolate that I’d forgotten about in my rambling. Luckily a waitress came by and took our orders, then left us alone again. An awkward silence fell between us. “Juniper, you didn’t really tell me anything about you though.” 


“Right. Duh.” She shook her head. “I’m in accounting at City Women Magazine.” 


I furrowed my brow, “I feel like I’ve heard of that.”


“You probably have. My coworker Norah made the news when she and her now husband, met and he wrote her a love letter and had it published.” I do remember that now. I remember thinking how I’d love to meet someone that made me feel that way. 


“That was pretty cool.” 


“It was.” 


And more silence. I was bombing this date and quickly. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out so I hid my face instead with the large mug of hot chocolate. I flinched back when my mug lowered in front of me. Juniper was pushing down softly and when the cup was all the way down she was smiling at me. “It’s okay to be nervous. We’ve literally never met.” 


“Right.” I nodded once then put the cup down completely. “It just feels ridiculous to be in my thirties and using dating apps.”


She started laughing and relief flooded over me. “Literally, same.” 


“And to find someone that doesn’t either have ten kids or has some tragic divorce. It’s difficult. I just want to find another sad, single adult who wants to hang out.” Juniper paused, then her eyes got bit. “Oh. God.” Then her hands flew to her face. 


I looked around, thinking that her family might be here or a friend or something. “What’s wrong?”


“Did I just insult you? Sometimes my mouth gets the best of me.” She kept hiding her face. “Please tell me you don’t have kids or that you have a tragic backstory that I just mocked.” Juniper peeked at me through her fingers.


It was my turn to reassure her. I reached across the table and pushed her hands down. “I have no children and I don’t have a tragic story.” 


She was the relieved looking one now. “Good.” The waitress came back and put our plates on the table. “This looks amazing.” We were both drooling over our New York Strip Steaks with baked potatoes and steamed vegetables. 


“Perfect. Would you need anything else to drink?” The overly enthusiastic waitress asked. She was looking at me, but talking to the table. 


I glanced at Juniper’s mug and it was empty, as was mine. “I’d take a beer please, whatever’s on tap is fine.”


“Sounds good, and you?” She turned to Juniper.


“Same.” I stifled a laugh because Juniper was already taking small, sneaky bites of her steak. As the waitress walked off. “This is good.” She said between bites. “I haven’t eaten all day because I was too nervous.” 


That got another laugh from me. I didn’t think I was intimidating in the least. My hair was a mess and I had on a christmas shirt that said, ‘big nick energy’ for god’s sake. How could I intimidate anyone like this?


Chapter 5



I was so fucking nervous right now. 


Graham was a really nice guy. Like too nice. As in, too nice for me. I wasn’t a jerk by any means, but I just saw the world for what it was. The ol’ adage, life’s a bitch so be the bigger bitch. 


Or something like that. 


“You said you knew of Port Crimson?” Graham interrupted my thoughts. 


I quickly rallied, shaking the thought of how mismatched we were. “Yeah. My grandma lives there still and I visit her at least once a month but I am getting ready to spend a couple weeks with her for Christmas.” 


“That’s really nice. I obviously live there, so I really like it.” Obviously.


More. Silence. 


This was killing me. 


I might as well bite the bullet and start in on the awkward questions. “So, what’s your favorite color?”


This comment made Graham laugh, loud and long. Which made me feel better. Maybe we could still bond over how awkward this was. “I like red.” He motioned down his shirt. 


“I should have guessed.” I rolled my eyes. A lover of Christmas likes red, earth shattering. 


“Alright, let me guess your favorite color.” He acted like he was deep in thought. “I think you like pink.” He said mockingly. 


“Hardy har har. No. Try again.” I looked around, it had been too long since the waitress walked away and I didn’t have anything to wash down this awkwardness. 


Graham leaned forward and took my hands in his and I was taken back. His hands were so soft and warm against my cold fingers. Maybe I should have ordered another hot chocolate. 


Shit, where were our drinks?


My mind was running rampant with anything other than what was happening right now. 


“Calm down Juniper.” His voice was low and my eyes darted back to his. “I promise you I’m just as nervous as you are. Even if I don’t act like it.”


“Wanna bet?” I snapped back. I should just leave now. I tried to pull my hands back but he held me tightly. 


“I think your favorite color is brown.” I sat back, stunned. 


“It’s mocha brown to be exact.” I wasn’t lying either. He got it on the first try. “How did you know that?”


“You are resilient and that is a color that represents resilience and reliability.” He sat back and put his hands on his lap. “Now that I’ve made a fool of myself, I have nothing to drink as a distraction and I’m done eating…I’d like to see you again.”


Fucking finally. I saw the waitress come around the corner with our drinks. “I’m sorry we are swamped tonight.” She was there and gone in seconds. Alright then. Here I was again. I almost grabbed her to bring the check so I could finally leave this embarrassing date. 


I’m resourceful. Then I remembered a trick that Addy used with her date to leave early. “I’m going to get the check. My cat is home and it’s dinnertime.” WOW that was lame. Even I saw that. 


“Oh no worries.” He jumped up before I did and relief flooded over me. Maybe he was ready to get the fuck out of here too. Graham returned with the paid check, what a gentleman. He put his hand out for me. I took it, and he pulled me up. We walked out to the front of the restaurant. “Do you want a ride? Then you don’t have to pay for a cab.” 


It did sound nice not riding in a stinky cab. “Sure.” This couldn’t get any more uncomfortable right? I walked up to his car and he met me at the passenger door, then opened it. I slid in and he closed the door behind me. Then he got in and started the car. Each minute that passed was excruciating. I half expected Christmas music to come on when the car started but it didn’t. 


Chapter 6



We sat in my car for a moment, then I decided she wasn’t going to get this on her own. “You’ll have to tell me where you live.” I had to hide the fact that I wanted to burst out laughing. 


“Shit. Fuck.” She muttered, then pointed behind us. “That way.” 


“Got it.” I turned on my blinker, then did a u-turn in the street. “Are you going to make me ask for the next turn or just think that I’m kidnapping you the entire time?”


“You’ll turn up here.” Juniper wouldn’t look at me, which was fine, that fact that I noticed should be concerning since that meant I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. 


“By turn, do you mean left or right?”


“I swear I’m not dumb. Turn right at the light.” She put her face in her hands again. This seemed to be something she did. A lot. “Now take a left and my house is the third one on the right.” 


This was a quiet neighborhood off the main drag, it was nice back here. I wasn’t driving back to Port Crimson tonight, I got a hotel in town. “Hold on, you said you lived in PC, are you going back there tonight?” My head swiveled around quickly. Did I say what I was thinking out loud?


“No. I have a hotel in town. The bakery opens at ten, so I have time to travel in the morning if I leave early. I also have an employee that is getting things made for me in the morning.”


Juniper put her hand on her chest, “All that for little ol’ me?”


“All that for a night out of the house. You were a very beautiful added bonus.” That was too much. I was laying it on too thick. “Well, is this you?” I pointed to the house that I had parked in front of, but she didn’t get out, so now I was questioning if she said three or four houses down. 


“Right. Good night Graham.” She leaned over to grab her purse and I almost mistook the situation as a kiss. We didn’t really have a kiss moment, tonight was awkward as fuck. I hoped I was funny enough that she would at least try again. I’d like a redemption date. 


“Juniper.” I called after her and she paused, leaning back down to look at me. “Can we go out again or too soon?”


She giggled. “We can go out again.” 


“Nice. I’ll text you.” Nice. Fucking nice? That’s all I had to say? It’s amazing she even was polite enough to say that I’d see her again.


I watched as she started to go up to her house but then she stopped and looked at me. Then she walked back. Shit. I looked in the seat and didn’t see anything, but maybe she forgot her phone or something. 


Juniper walked around the front of my car to the drivers side and tapped on the window. I pushed the button and it rolled down slowly. “Are you really not going to kiss me?” She blurted out. 


“I didn’t want to assume.” I defended, then it hit me what she actually said. She wanted me to kiss her and I should not disappoint the lady. I got out and she backed up a few steps, then I stood in front of her looking eye to eye. “You want a kiss even though I guessed your favorite color was brown because I was trying to start a conversation and you were generous enough to play along with it?”


“My favorite color is Mocha Brown.” Her voice was small as she looked up at me through her lashes. “I wasn’t playing along.”


Fuck. Me.


I wanted this woman right now, but I wouldn’t. 


I shouldn’t. 


I ducked my head and kissed her softly on the lips. Her purse dropped next to us and she wrapped her arms around my waist, under my flannel, then I felt her hands grab my shirt. I went from lightly holding her face in my hands to anchoring her to me. 


Feeling her soft lips move against mine was doing things to me that would make this go from fucking hot to very embarrasing pretty quickly. I made myself pull back before I did something I’d regret or go too far for a first date.


Dating wasn’t something I spent a lot of time doing, but I wouldn’t be forgetting this kiss anytime soon and I wanted to keep it that way.


Her body shivered against mine as the wind picked up and I slowly let go. It wasn’t something I wanted to do. “Good night Juniper.” 


“Good night.” She picked up her purse and walked back across the street. I watched from my warm car as she got inside and turned on the living room light, then waved at me through the front window. 


I’d definitely be finding a way to see her again. 


Chapter 7



That kiss was…wow. 


I just needed that. Like really needed that. I sorta wanted Graham to ask if he could come inside, but he’d been incredibly polite the entire time, and I knew he wouldn’t ask. Which honestly was a good thing. It wouldn’t kill me to pace myself if I wanted to see him again. 


I checked my phone and I had a missed message from Marigold.


Mari: How was the date?


Me: Good. He’s cute and sweet. And a good kisser.


Mari: I’m guessing since your texting me at eleven PM you are home alone now.


Me: Yes


Mari: Dumb. 


I giggled at her comment, then plugged my phone in. Then it rattled on the side table and I looked over. It was the dating app telling me I had a message. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened it. 


Graham: I am an idiot.


That’s a great way to start a message but it got my attention. 


Me: Why?


Graham: I didn’t get your phone number and I hate using the app to message.


I thought about not sending him my number right away, but he did know where I worked and that I visited Port Crimson. It’s not like we were complete strangers. I quickly typed out my message before I chickened out. Then my phone buzzed in my hands, but this time it was a normal text message. 


Unknown: It’s Graham


Me: I figured. LOL


I saved his number then I thought we’d be done. But we weren’t. 


Big Nick Energy: I’d like to go out again, we can talk more later but I wanted to put that out there before I chickened out. Good night!


I laughed for a few reasons. I gave him a name so that I knew who he was when we’d inevitably quit talking. I might forget his name, but I’d never forget his shirt. The second reason for laughing was the message itself. Before he chickened out. I knew I scared him. 


I would go to sleep tonight knowing that I had a date with an adorable man who loved Christmas and was actually nice. 


Monday morning the office was buzzing. Marigold grabbed me as soon as I got through the door and dragged me to her office. “What in the world is going on?” I screeched as she closed the door. 


Norah, Addy, Lena and Marigold looked at me. And lucky for me Sophia barged in too. She worked at the front occasionally but other than that she was Addy’s assistant. I didn’t know why she was here. “Tell us about your date.” Marigold grinned at me. 


“Is that really why you called this meeting?” I looked around and they all nodded yes. “Alright then, he was my height, blond floppy hair, and he wore a shirt that said ‘big nick energy’.” I knew that would get a laugh. 


“Alright…more.” Marigold sat down next to me. “So, when do you go out again?”


“Oh, um…” I looked around at the expectant faces. I’ve never been close with any of these girls, but they seemed nice enough. Normally I just dealt with Marigold. I was in accounting and helped generate reports. That was it. 


“Ummm….” Sophia snapped her fingers. “If he was so cute and nice, when are you seeing him again and does he have any cute friends?” 


“He texted me Friday night after he left and said he’d like to see me again and I now have his phone number. So that’s something.” I shrugged. “I haven’t texted him back.”


“I have her phone.” Marigold held my phone up. “I’m assuming he’s ‘big nick energy’.” She scrolled and then looked back up at me. “This is so cute. He seems so nervous.” Then she was typing and I was launching myself across her desk. My phone rang right away. “Oh he wants to go out tonight.” 


“Super.” I rolled my eyes as she handed me my phone. I answered before the phone quit ringing, “Hey, this is Juniper.” 


“Juniper.” He sounded relieved. “I’m glad you texted me.” 




Chapter 8



“Juniper.” Yes! I got her name right. “I’m glad you texted me.” Way to sound needy you fucking idiot.


“Yeah…about that. I’m not free tonight, but I am tomorrow night.” Shit. Did I come off too anxious? 


“Tomorrow night is great.” Fucking great? I was anxious and it was pouring through the phone. 


“Dinner tomorrow then.” Juniper confirmed. “See you then. We’ll hash out the details tomorrow.” 


“Perfect.” I hung up before I fucked up even more. I went ahead and booked another hotel for tomorrow night. I didn’t want to drive back to Port Crimson late at night. 


Juniper: Let’s meet at Theo’s again. I’ll wear my best holiday sweater.


Me: Even better. 


“Boss, I need you out front. Someone is asking for you.” I turned and looked at my associate, Bryant, who was grinning at me. “Are you able to close tomorrow night?”


“Do you have another date with that hot brunette?” He grinned. 


“Yeah.” I stood up, wanting to avoid this conversation as much as possible. “Who’s out there?”


“It’s someone from the city council. That’s all I know.” I gave out Stollen every business…every year and I’m sure they were just trying to solidify their award winning Stollen. 


“Good morning!” Clara Davis greeted me as I turned the corner. She was a regular and I’ve competed against her every year at the town baking competition. She always won. I don’t know what Clara put in her Stollen, but it won every fucking year and it was always delicious. She always just says that it’s made with love. “It’s really great to see your shop busy.” Uh huh. I was no slouch. 


“Good to see you Clara.” I pulled a cranberry orange muffin out of the case for her and boxed it up. “Breakfast on me.” 


“What a nice boy.” She took the muffin from me and inspected it. “Are you competing this year?” Most would see her sweet, grandmotherly smile. I saw right through that mask. She was gloating. 


“I am. This year's baked good is Stollen and everyone knows that mine is the best.” I crossed my arms. The competition was sometimes free choice, sometimes they picked. This year they picked Stollen and it was my year to shine. I could feel it. Made with love my ass. 


“Best of luck dear. My granddaughter is coming to town and she is going to help me.”  Clara smiled softly. For once she didn’t look like she was planning something and was just nice. Like a normal grandma. Clara nodded then walked out. 


I looked at Bryant and he was leaning on the counter behind me. “Wow, you really showed her.” 


“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes and he pushed off the counter to help the next person. 

Chapter 9



The girls and I went straight from the office to Theo’s. It was an easy place to meet as it was right down the street from City Women. 


Prior to Marigold interjecting herself into my dating life, I didn’t speak with any of them very much. Not unless they needed help with their paycheck or for me to run some report. I didn’t lead a very exciting life, at work or personally. I guess you could say the most exciting thing to happen to me lately was the date with Graham. 


“Alright, tell us about him.” Addy sat down next to me and put her arm over the back of the chair. The bar was quiet tonight so it was easier to have a conversation than when I was here with Graham. 


“He’s my height, has floppy blond hair and he likes Christmas.” I listed off the few things that were noteworthy. I could mention the bakery, but then I figured they’d make the hour and a half drive to Port Crimson to see him in person so I left that out. 


“Tell them about the shirt.” Marigold prompted. 


“Not what’s under the shirt?” Lena winked and I felt myself blushing. 


Once I regained my composure, I shook my head no. “We didn’t get that far. It was just a date and a kiss.” 


“A kiss!” They said in unison. Then Marigold jumped in. “You didn’t say that you kissed. Is he a good kisser? You know what they say about being a good kisser.” She wiggled her eyebrows. 


Then Sophia interjected, “Soft lips?” That made all of us giggle. 


I held up his picture on my phone and they swooned. Everyone was in a committed relationship with the exception of Marigold and Sophia. Sophia grabbed my phone and I made grabby hands for it but she pulled back. “Now now. Let’s see the messages.” She skimmed them quickly then lowered my phone, leaving it just out of reach. “This is tame. What the heck.” 


“Sorry. We literally just met this weekend.” I tried for my phone again and it landed in Marigold’s hands. She quickly typed something with a wicked grin on her face, then handed my phone back. When I attempted to open what she sent, she shoved my phone in my jacket pocket and zipped the pocket shut. “HEY! What did you sent him?”


“Just don’t drink too much tonight. Okay?” She winked and I was instantly mortified. Hopefully she didn’t invite him over. Graham’s bakery closed at 9pm and that would mean he’d show up when I was already in bed. 




Chapter 10



I wiped off the counter and closed up the shop. Bryant had cleaned up in the back already and he was set to open for tomorrow. I had decided to just drive to Madison tonight and visit some local restaurants to stir up business before my date with Juniper that night. 


When I got back to my office I saw I had a missed message from Juniper and my heart leapt into my throat. Was she cancelling on me? I surely hope not. I’d be disappointed. I really liked hanging out with her, but on the other hand she was far too beautiful for me. I’m sure she had men pining for her right and left. 


After a quick trip home, I threw a bag together and headed towards Madison. As I got into town I realized I didn’t check the message from Juniper. 


I stopped for gas and pulled up the message. 


Juniper: I’m free tonight if you want to come over. 


I did a double take because she didn’t strike me as the type to send something like that. It was sent at seven PM. Shit. I’m guessing it was too late now to just show up. Buuttt it might be fun to be able to just chill at her place for the night instead of trying to check into the hotel and hope there’s a room open. 


Me: Are you still free tonight?


Fucking. Lame. That’s what I was. Welp, the message was out there now. She read the message then answered right away. 


Juniper: C’mon over


She didn’t strike me as a ‘c’mon’ kind of person. She struck me as the kind of person to type out whole words and use punctuation. Either way, I wasn’t going to turn her down. A couch sounded a lot better than a hotel. And it would save me money. 


I selected the pin that I saved from the other night to her house and the directions popped up. Then finished getting gas and headed towards her house. I was giddy thinking about seeing her again, so soon and in a far more casual environment. Even if we just sat around and watched movies. I’d take that over a busy bar any day of the week. 


Chapter 11



I don’t know what Marigold was doing, but she kept hijacking my phone and answering Graham. Then I was being pushed out the door and a cab was called for me. I may, or may not, have had a few too many glasses of wine. With a little carbs I’d feel better. There was a container of buttered noodles calling my name anyways. 


When I got home I put on my comfiest, loosest pajamas, took off my bra and settled into the living room. It was ten thirty now and I remembered the messages between Marigold and Graham. How could I forget them!? I opened my phone and nearly threw it across the room. Marigold invited Graham to my house for the night! 


On cue, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly scrambled for a blanket to wrap around myself to hide the fact that I didn’t have a bra on, then opened the door. Graham stood there, duffel bag in hand and the sweetest, most awkward smile on his face. “Hey stranger.” Which was funny because we were strangers. 


What started as a nervous laugh, turned into full blown laughter and I was wheezing. This was the most embarrassing thing to happen to me in my entire life (and I peed my pants on stage in elementary school). 


In the midst of my laughter I motioned for Graham to come in and I excused myself to the kitchen for a break. I quickly called Marigold and she declined my call on the first ring. That bitch. She knew exactly why I was calling and now it was making sense why she shoved me out of Theo’s and rushed me home. I could kill her right now. 


“Can I get you something to drink Graham?” I called from the kitchen. 


“Water.” He answer from the doorway and I jumped, making him start laughing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to show up. Did I misread the messages? I can go.” He looked so worried and it didn’t suit his naturally happy face. 


“It’s quite alright. I was out with the girls from work and my boss was the one actually messaging you. So you have no need to be sorry. I’m the one who should be.” I put the glass of water on the counter. “Have you eaten yet?”


“Yeah.” He held up a piece of beef jerky. “This’ll hold me over until tomorrow.” 


“That’s ridiculous. I’ll put a pizza in.” I started the oven and grabbed a pizza from the freezer. “What are you doing tomorrow?”


“I’m going to be going to a few restaurants with samples to see if they’d like to buy in bulk.” He stayed in the doorway sipping on his water. 

This amazed me for some reason. Him selling items from his bakery, not standing in the doorway. I giggled to myself at my own inside joke as to how dumb I was acting. “That’s amazing.” I commented as I put extra cheese on the pizza. “I don’t suppose you have any samples for me to try?” It wouldn’t hurt a girl to ask. 


“I actually do. While I’m in the car, is it okay if I stay here tonight? I don’t think I’ll have luck getting a hotel room this late.” 


“No problem. I have a guest room.” 


Graham nodded then walked out. In my wine giggles, I leaned back and watched his ass as he walked away. He really was a gorgeous man. He came back a few minutes later with a chocolate cake that immediately made me drool. It was four layers with chocolate frosting between the layers and the top was decorated with christmas trees. “That is adorable.” I took the cake from him. 


“It was the least I could do for apparently scaring you tonight.” 


I massaged my temples. I didn’t mean to make Graham feel bad for ‘showing up’ when he was actually invited. “Please don’t worry about it.” The oven beeped and I put in the pizza. “So, what do you want to do tonight?"




Chapter 12



Would I ever be able to interact with Juniper like a normal fucking human being? 


“So, what do you want to do tonight?” Juniper leaned on the counter and the top of her shirt was loose enough I could see that she didn’t have a bra on. She really didn’t know that I was coming over. I didn’t get the feeling she was the type to be walking around without a bra on. Not that I was complaining. She looked adorable. 


“Well.” I started by motioning around us. “It doesn’t look like we are near any holidays around here.” Not a Christmas decoration in sight. 


Juniper busted out laughing. “You would notice that. I don’t normally decorate.” 


I put my hand over my gaping mouth. “That is a shame.” 


“I’m busy and I’m not normally home for Christmas. I'm going to my Grandma’s house in Port Crimson.” She did mention that last weekend. 


“Then tonight, I’d like to help you decorate.” I announced to the room, then I started to look around. “I don’t see a cat. Or any pet for that matter.” 


“Shit.” Juniper grumbled and I busted out laughing. “Of course you’d notice. I don’t suppose I could convince you the cat is just really good at hiding?”


“No.” I shook my head. “You were trying to get out of the date, weren’t you?”


“Maybe…maybe not.” She shrugged and the over timer went off. She turned around and I had to withhold a groan. She must not have underwear on either and her ass looks spectacular in the loose pajama pants. “Alright, paper plates are here. I have beer in the fridge and wine here. I’ll grab the Christmas decorations while you serve yourself.” 


She walked down a back hallway and I peeked behind her. Juniper was gorgeous. Even with her hair in a clip on her head and no makeup she just was amazing. She came out with a medium sized tote and garland wrapped around her arm. “I have one more trip to make. The tree isn’t big. It fits in the window nook.” She put the boxes down in front of me, then turned and walked away again. 


I opened the box and saw a large selection of vintage ornaments that were amazing and the tree skirt was crocheted. “This is cute.” I meant that seriously but she came around the corner laughing. 


“I’m sure this is a tiny selection compared to your place.” 

“Well yeah.” I grinned. “But I’ll get you set up nice.” I picked up everything she brought out and took it to the living room. She really didn’t have much around that would elude to any particular season, so it shouldn’t surprise me that she didn’t decorate for Christmas. 


I’d fix that.


She sat down in a chair in the corner and crossed her legs with a plate in her lap and a glass of wine next to her. “Alright Graham.  Show me the magic of Christmas.” She turned on her television and found a music station. Christmas music played over the speakers and I nodded along. 


After I ate my pizza, I sat, pulled out each decoration and looked at it. “You have a lot of pretty things.”


“Thanks.” She snuggled into her chair with a blanket. “They were my grandmas.” 


“She has good taste.” Juniper hummed in approval, then picked up one of the vintage bulbs. “This was everything to me as a kid. Decorating and being with my family. It’s just me and grandma now and we have the best time but she’s feisty in her old age.”


“I bet. My grandpa is a ball buster, but he’s a sweetheart deep down. He shows he cares by making sure you're doing your best.” I paused, smiling at her. “That’s what I tell myself when I cry over a loaf of bread that burns.” 


Juniper busted out laughing. “Then I think my Grandma and your Grandpa would get along great because she’s the exact same way.” 

Chapter 13



I watched as Graham carefully placed the few photos I had in the window on the table and set up the comically small Christmas tree. “You know, you’ll have to come back and take this all down.” I smiled at him over the brim of my wine glass.  I needed to slow down, the wine was making me brave. 


Looking at the silver garland, I picked it up and twisted it around my fingers slowly. “I do love Christmas, you know?” 


“Looking around here, I wouldn’t believe you.” Graham scolded as he carefully laid out the garland and turned on the lights on the tree. I had to admit, It was very cute in the window. “Now, we need to decorate this sad, beige room.” 


“Hey now!” I acted offended, but I knew it was a sad beige room. “I see some perfect garland in the tote, can you give that to me?” Graham walked around the room assessing it. “I think that’ll look good on the banister.” 


“Sure.” I sat my empty glass down and grabbed the garland he was referring to. “And maybe put the lights up too?”


“Now you're getting it.” He tapped his temple. 


I pulled out the lights too and handed them to him. He made quick work of turning my living room into a winter wonderland and it was dreamy. I laid on the couch and looked around. “This is beautiful.” 


Graham leaned over the back of the couch and kissed my forehead. “Yes you are.” The air shifted around us and I know he felt it too. “It’s one in the morning, I guess I should go to bed. Good night.” He disappeared upstairs and I was left swooning on the couch. 


Tuesday morning was hell. At least to start. My head was pounding from the wine and I was very tempted to call in, then I remembered Graham was at my house and I didn’t know what I’d do with him all day, so to avoid that awkwardness I got up and got ready for the day. 


As I walked out into the hall carrying my heels, the amazing aroma of coffee and bacon drifted up the stairs. “Wow.” I turned the corner and Graham had turned my kitchen into a cafe. He had a vintage Christmas tree in the middle of the table that I haven’t seen for years and the table was set with the most amazing spread of waffles, bacon and fruit. He found all of my Christmas stuff from my Grandma and she’d be proud right now seeing it all out and used. 


“Good morning.” He said quietly as he sat two plates out, then two small bowls presumably for the fruit. “Come sit down.”  


“I could get used to this.” I drooled over the plate he fixed for me. “Your spoiling me.”


“Food is my love language. It would be a crime if I didn’t cook for you.” Graham sat down next to me and we ate in comfortable silence. This was a million times better than our first date. “What time do you need to go to work?”


“I have an hour or so.” He nodded, then proceeded to eat. “Graham?”




“Thank you for breakfast.” I didn’t think I said thank you yet. This complete stranger came in, cooked for me and didn’t ask me to do anything. “Oh, and for decorating. My grandma would be proud.” 


“That’s always the goal. To make grandma proud.” I laughed with him. My grandma would love him. I’d be replaced with Graham and she’d be happy as a clam. 


When I finished eating, I got dressed and I didn’t miss him watching me buckle the dainty strap around my ankle. The tension was starting to get to me. “I’ll see you tonight I guess.” I shrugged and walked out, noting that he had put away the leftovers.


“Hold on.” Graham jogged after me. “I’ll leave with you. I feel weird being alone in your house.” 


Right. Duh Juniper, don’t leave a stranger in your house alone. I was smarter than that. “Before you go.” I stopped in the garage and Graham was behind me. “Can we try that kiss again?”

Chapter 14



“Can we try that kiss again?” 


“I thought you’d never ask.” I took two steps and was on her, cupping her face in my hands, I pressed my lips to hers and she sucked in a breath. I couldn’t help myself, I hadn’t quit thinking about kissing her again. Her lips moved slowly, carefully over mine and I reciprocated. 


I pulled back slowly and pressed my forehead to hers. “Oh wow.” Juniper did what she did the first time I kissed her, she put her hands on my sides, gripping my shirt. “Breakfast, decorating and a great kisser. How did I get so lucky?”


“I don’t know, but shut up and kiss me.” I needed just one more before we parted ways for the day. She hummed with approval as I slowly let go and my hands dropped.


“See you tonight.” Juniper nodded and walked off in her heels, her ass swaying perfectly. I couldn’t look away, and didn’t until she was in her car and pulling out. 


I spent the day selling myself to local restaurants and it was exhausting, but I did get one place to say they’d try it out for a month which was exciting for me. I hadn’t branched out beyond word of mouth in Port Crimson, but that has served me well. 


Juniper: I enjoyed your cooking so much, would you be open to cooking again tonight instead of going out?


I was worried this morning that I would scare her by taking advantage of her large kitchen, but she was impressed that that felt amazing. 


Me: Of course. Food is my love language. Remember?


Juniper: I do remember. Eating your food is my love language.


Me: Perfect


The butterflies in my stomach were back. I really liked this woman. She was smart, successful, funny and beautiful. Now to do some grocery shopping so that I could impress her tonight with my cooking skills. I decided at the last minute that I’d make her my almost award-winning Stollen too. Might as well flex my muscles and show her what I can do in the kitchen.


Me: Is there a chance you can let me into your place early so I can start cooking before you get home.


Juniper: Of course. Let me know when you are there and I’ll unlock the house.

When I got to Juniper’s place, I texted her and the lock on the house beeped a few minutes later. That was a handy trick. My old house back in Port Crimson didn’t do that. I immediately got to work on making homemade spaghetti sauce and noodles, then made meatballs and started working on the Stollen. This’ll be good practice for the Stollen I enter into the competition for the weekend. I’ll make that Saturday morning and take it over that afternoon. 


“Hello…” Juniper yelled through the house and I called ‘hello’ back. She walked in and took a deep breath. “It smells amazing in here.” 


“Thank you.” I grinned. “I’ve been busy.”


“I see that.” She motioned around to the dishes. “Although I didn’t know I had a pasta maker hidden in my cupboards.”


“You don’t. I bought it. You can have it if you want, otherwise I’ll take it home.” I shrugged and turned around to take the Stollen out of the oven. 

Chapter 15



I knew Stollen when I smelled it. My grandma would be in heaven right now, we made it every year and she loved it. 


“This is a lot of food.” I watched as he set the table again, looking adorable in my too small apron. 


“I hope you like it. Everything is made from scratch.” Graham smiled at me from across the table. 


The first bite of spaghetti made me want to dance. “This is incredible. You can’t go back to Port Crimson.” I quickly shoveled another bite into my mouth. 


“Thanks.” He said with a bashful smile. “I don’t get to show off often.”


“That is a shame.” I took a minute to slow down and appreciate Graham. He was really fucking cute. His hair was pushed back on his head and there was flour on his shirt where the apron didn’t cover him. “You’ve got something on you.” I motioned to his shirt. 


“I see that. Your apron was a bit small.” We might have been similar heights but he was still a man. Like…in every sense of the word. 


“I can imagine.” I giggled. “Thank you again.”


“I love cooking for people, that’s why I started the bakery to begin with.” He seemed genuine but I still felt bad for him putting in all this work for me. “I promise.”


We fell into small talk about my day, then he told me how he made this delicious meal. Being with Graham was easy. Too easy. He had to have some kind of mental illness or something. No one is flawless. 


I wiped my face, “I’ll help clean up. Then we can have dessert.” I stood up, taking my dirty dishes with me. He quickly followed me. 


Before I could jump in, he filled the sink with soap and water. “I’ll wash, you dry and put them away.”


“Deal.” Conversation was easy with Graham. He was just a really nice guy. Too nice for me. I’d gotten cynical in my old age. 


As I finished putting away the last pan, I started a kettle for tea. “Why don’t you cut up the Stollen? I’ll grab some small plates.”


He easily navigated my kitchen finding mugs and plates. Then I felt arms come around me and I practically melted on the spot. “I’m sincerely hoping you’ll let me stay the night.” His voice was low and sexy. Then he kissed the back of my neck and goosebumps erupted on my arms. “Because I’ve been thinking about kissing you all day.”


I cleared my throat, “Just kissing me?”


“Listen to you. Getting brave.” His hands untucked my shirt and then he wrapped his arms around my waist again. He took a deep breath, then hummed. “Fuck I have been thinking about this all night.” 


“Wh-what?” I did not intend on stuttering, but I did and I could feel the blush creeping up my neck. 


“Thinking about how your lips would feel on my cock.” I felt his teeth on my shoulder. “How you’d sound when I fuck you…”


Oh dear god. The sweet baker has a dirty side and I’m fucking here for it. 

Chapter 16



I was at my limit. I need Juniper right now. All night she stayed in that ridiculous stuffy work outfit and it was killing me. “Why don’t you take off your shirt?” My hands itched to do it myself but I wanted to watch her take her shirt off. I wanted to see her gorgeous body. 


“That sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?” She turned around to face me and slowly unbuttoned her shirt then peeled it off. I’m sure that my mouth was gaping open. She was even more beautiful under the conservative clothes. “This too?” She pulled at the zipper on her skirt. 


I nodded yes, unable to help myself. I pulled down on the zipper before she could and the skirt dropped. She had on a matching white lace set and it practically glowed against her tan skin. “That good, huh?”


“Oh you have no idea.” I lifted her up onto the now clean counter and she hauled me between her legs. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. “Now, take my cock out.” 


“Yes please. I need more of this side of you in my life.” So she liked dirty talk, huh? I guess I saw that coming given the books I saw on the bookshelf in the living room. “Oh wow.” That was gratifying for any man to hear as your pants are pushed down. 


“Do what I said Juniper.” I said through my teeth. My control was hanging on by a thread. 


She then pushed down my spandex underwear and I heard a little gasp. That was also gratifying. “Now now. Don’t flatter me.” I leaned forward again, running my nose up her throat, then biting the pulse point. Pulling her towards me, her arms wrapped around my neck. “Please tell me that you're on some kind of birth control?”


“I’m on some kind of birth control.” She answered mockingly. “Please tell me you are clean.” 


“I’m clean.” I didn’t waste any time plunging into her and it was fucking heaven. Literally and metaphorically. The feeling of sweet relief. Her muscles were squeezing around my cock. “Oh fuucckkkk. You feel incredible.” 


When I leaned back to gauge if Juniper was okay, her eyes were shut and her mouth was hanging open slightly. Her head tipped back and wavy brunette hair down her back. I’d say she was doing just fine. I slowly pulled out, then pushed back in slowly and her body shuddered. “You're taking me so well Juniper. But I need more. We can savor each other later.” 


She breathed out a yes and I picked her up. She wrapped her legs tightly around my waist and I lowered her to the floor. “Are you okay?”


She nodded up and down, then laid her head back. “Just fuck me Graham. I need you to fuck me right now.” 


I braced my hands next to her head and drilled into her. She was close. I could feel it. Her nails raked down my back, legs locking with mine, pushing me cock deeper inside her. Dipping my head down, I kissed her neck that was stretched out, then up to her mouth and her body shuddered again. “Fucking come. Now.” I growled. I could feel her holding back for some ungodly reason. 


Juniper’s eyes rolled back and her entire body locked up beneath me. “There she is. Breath baby, milk my cock.” Her mouth opened like she was going to respond, but I didn’t let her. I resumed pumping into her and slanted my mouth over hers. “Do you feel what you’ve been doing to me?” I taunted her. I couldn’t help myself. 


I came to a stop and felt her body spasming around me. “You didn’t finish…” She stuttered out. 


“That’s for later. This was about you. Do you see that I’m not too nice for you?” I slowly pulled out and the throbbing in my dick was nearly painful. But not right now. I was proving a point. The point being that I wasn’t going to keep playing the nice guy. I’d been polite, the gentleman but it’s clear she wanted more. 

Chapter 17



I was VERY wrong and I’ve never been happier. Graham was the best of both worlds. 


Sickeningly sweet and scorching hot. 


Which leads us to sitting on my couch, snuggled under blankets watching a movie and eating Stollen that he made. For me. “This is really tasty.” I said through bites of the sweet bread. 


“High compliments. Thank you.” He pressed a kiss to my temple, such a kind gesture considering that he just fucked me on my kitchen floor an hour ago. 


“My grandma’s is good but this could compete with it.” 


“Well, that’s what I’m hoping for.” I turned so that I could talk to him easier. Up until this point, it has just been polite conversation. Now that the tension was broken I felt more comfortable and I think he did too. “I enter in the annual holiday baking competition and lose. Every fucking year. This is my year. You're my good luck charm. I can feel it.” Graham squeezed me to his chest. 


It didn’t really occur to me until right now that he might know my Grandma, but I didn’t want to ruin this moment either, so I let it slide. “You’ll do great. I know you will. Everything you’ve cooked for me is amazing.” 


“Thank you.” I leaned back into his side and settled into watching the movie, although having him touching me was distracting. This was cozy, almost too cozy but I’d take advantage of it while I could. “I appreciate that.” 


“It’s true. I could never cook that well. Not in a million years.No matter how hard my grandma tries to teach me basic recipes.” I laughed as he pulled me up onto his lap. “What do you think you are doing?”


“You are adorable.” He poked the end of my nose lightly. “Now that the movie’s over, I think it’s time to go upstairs and you can show me what other tricks you have. If you can’t cook…” He let his voice trail off. The movie was not over but neither of us cared. 


“If I can’t cook what?” I answered accusingly. 


“Maybe we can see what that mouth can do?” Graham answered with a wink and I damn near melted. 


“No carrying me again though.” I huffed as I stood up. “I’m a grown woman. I don’t need to be carried.” 


I heard him as I walked away, his footsteps right behind me. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I screeched, then stiffened. “What did I say?”


“That you wanted to be carried?” He answered with a loud laugh.


“NO.” I shrieked again as he threw me on the bed. “Graham!” I scooted back and he pulled a string of lights out from behind him. He must have shoved them in his back pocket, it was a shorter strand that I used to put on the kitchen counter in garland. 


“I found these and I’m really hoping you’ll let me use them on you.” My heart was racing. This should scare me. I don’t really know this man. But fuck he was adorable and sweet, and turns out…kinky as fuck and I wanted to know more. “But I won’t. If you say no.” 


Ugh. Consent. How lovely that sounded. “Yes. Of fucking course. Give me all you got Graham the baker.” 

Chapter 18



I’d been thinking about this all day. Tying up Juniper’s hands and then turning the lights on and how beautiful she’d look under the glow of multicolored christmas lights. 


I also appreciated how stunned she looked whenever I revealed a little bit more about myself to her. Juniper didn’t have a very good poker face. “Lay back, arms above your head.” She quickly obliged. “So eager, perhaps I should slow down?”


“No.” She answered then slammed her mouth shut. One more slip up and I’d draw this out more. I didn’t care how much my cock ached at this point. 


I carefully pulled her boy shorts off then removed her bra and dropped them next to the bed. Juniper had a gorgeous smile on her face when I turned back to her. “Do you see something you like?” Her coy smile drew me in. I leaned down and kissed her slowly. 


I knew this would bother her. She was getting twitchy. “Keep your hands up.” I answered her quietly. No she didn’t say anything, I’m aware. But the way she fidgeted with posts on the headboard I could tell she was getting more and more impatient by the minute. 


I then picked up the lights, it was a short strand, but they would be long enough to do what I wanted. As a bonus they were the kind that had a battery box so I didn’t need to plug them in. 


It’s like she knew I was coming. 


“Graham, have you done this before?”


I cocked my head. “Don’t really want to know the answer to that?” 


“No. You're right.” Juniper's feet twitched behind me.


“Hold still Juniper.” I growled and she froze beneath me. The lights weren’t difficult to wrap around her wrists and she watched me the entire time, a smile playing on her face but I could tell she was trying not to be eager. “Now, are you going to let me fuck your mouth?” 


Juniper nodded slowly, then opened her mouth. I couldn’t help myself, I dipped my fingers into her mouth. “Close.” She did, then swirled her tongue around my fingers. “Fuck that’s good.”


She dropped her mouth open and stuck her tongue out. “Are you ready for me?” Another head nod yes. I crawled off of her, stripped out of my clothes, then grabbed her ankles. “Hang on.” When she grabbed the headboard, I pulled her down gently until she was laying with her arms more suspended above her. “Now it’s my turn.”


Chapter 19



Holy mother of god. 


I am soaked. 


Watching Graham strip out of his black shirt and jeans. Then the spandex shorts and finally seeing the entire picture. He was fucking stacked and I wanted him. Right now. 


Then he crawled up my body, trailing kisses up my legs, to my hips then to each nipple. Graham slid his arm under the small of my back, making the arch in my back ache. “I’m thinking I might like to fuck you again.” He hummed quietly like he was thinking. “Then maybe I’ll finish on these beautiful tits.” 


I think my mouth dried up. I have never in my life had someone treat me this way and I wanted more. Ten fold. I wanted him to double down. “Please. Please. Please. Anything. I’d do anything for you to come.” 


“Is that so?” He hovered above me, his sweet blue eyes meeting mine. I was so lost in his gaze that I didn’t realize he was sliding his cock into me. My mouth dropped open and I had nothing. No snarky comment. Not a single breath.


“Fuck, you feel incredible.” Every slow in and out was killing me. I loved not being able to touch Graham. Every sense was heightened. Feeling the dampness of his skin on mine, his controlled motions above me, his teeth on my lower lip, then my neck and shoulder, his breath against my skin. 


Graham moaned and ducked his head, burying his face in the pillow. I held onto him the only way I could, I wrapped my legs around his waist and anchored him to me. Pushing his cock deeper inside me. “You will come this time. None of this bullshit where you hold back.” 


His hand came up and covered my mouth. “You're right. I will come this time. And you won’t.” I’m sure the look on my face was priceless. His body jerked above me as he moaned again, his teeth sinking into my skin. I knew this time it would bruise. This was a bite, he was devouring me. He moved his hand slowly and had a sly smile on his face. “You did so well Juniper. Taking my dick like the good girl that you are.” 


I was a puddle. I couldn’t have built a better man. “Can you untie me please?” I asked quietly. “My wrists are starting to hurt.” 


“Since you asked so nicely.” He kissed my forehead, then pulled out and I felt his cum running out of me. I couldn’t resist kissing his chest as he reached above me and freed my hands. He then brought my hands down and kissed each wrist. “Feel okay?” And now the sweet version of Graham was back. 


“Yes.” I watched as he rolled off to the side and massaged my wrists. “That was fun.” 


“It was.” His eyes met mine, then went back to massaging my hands and then my arms. “Hopefully you were too freaked out.” This sweet, sweet man.


“Freaked out? No way.” I assured him. “Seriously. Best sex of my life. I didn’t have to feel weird asking for more.” 


“Good.” He trailed kisses up the inside of my arm, then to my shoulder where he bit me, then to my neck. “I’ll definitely want more. But not right now. Right now, I’m tired and I have to get up early in the morning.” 


I could try to get off tonight again. “You know I could just use some of the toys I have sitting in this drawer over here.” I know I was being a brat, but I couldn’t help myself. I half rolled over and Graham was on me in a second, yanking me back, then he was grabbing my chin and making me look at him. 


“I don’t fucking think so. Now get over here and lay down. We both have to work tomorrow.” I easily settled into him, putting my leg over the top of his hips and my arm across his body. 


Why not lean into this while I could?

Chapter 20



I woke up alone, which I anticipated. I was a deep sleeper. I needed ten alarms to get up on a normal day, and I didn’t actually get to sleep until midnight last night. Juniper and I talked a little bit more about our lives and friends. She told me about the girls at work who pushed her to go out with me and I told her about Bryant who also teased me for dating someone through a dating app. 


The bathroom door opened and Juniper walked out. Again with the stuffy work wear. Her body was killer and I got hard just thinking about how she felt last night. I did technically owe her an orgasm. She was a good sport about being edged last night. 


We locked eyes as she picked up the pair of heels next to the dresses and walked over to me. “Would you like to help me?” 


“Of course.” I sat up, and patted the spot between my legs. I know she saw how hard I was right now. It was difficult to miss with just a sheet thrown over my lap. I wasn’t a complete creep, only just a little bit. 


I laughed at my inside joke as I ran my hand up the back of her leg. “Gorgeous.” I said under my breath. Her skin was buttery soft under my fingertips and she smelled amazing. I took one of the heels and put it on, buckling it slowly. Then she lowered her leg and put the other up. I did the same thing, this time though trailing kisses up her leg this time though. Once the shoe was buckled, I grabbed her hips and pulled her into me, then rested my chin on her stomach, looking up at her made up face. “I don’t suppose you have a few minutes to spare for the sweet baker who owes you.” 


She weaved her hands into my hair, pushing it back from my face. “Owes me? What for?”


“Seems like…” I ran my hand up the inside of her thigh and grinned. No boyshorts today. “You are owed an orgasm.” 


“I’ll hang onto that for later.” She winked. “That just means I have to see you again.” 


How adorable. She thought she had a choice. I stood up, pulling her skirt up to her hips. She did have underwear on. Such a shame. That could be easily fixed though. Juniper tipped her head to the side, exposing her neck and I peppered kisses down the column of her neck then slowly unbuttoned her shirt. “I’m going to be late for work.”


“Excuses…excuses.” I continued my assault of kisses, now removing her shirt. 


She moaned quietly, “I just ironed that.” 


Is this really how this was going to be? Did she really care about her shirt? When I leaned back she was looking between the shirt and my hand. Fine. I’d respect her wishes. This would work out in my favor anyway. I turned her around, then tipped her back onto the bed. She easily flopped back and giggled quietly. 


I made a show of putting the shirt carefully on the ironing board. “There you go. Any other complaints?”


She tapped her chin playfully. “My skirt too.” 


“I’ll have to iron this for you, as I’ve already wrinkled it.” I tapped her hip and she lifted it, then let me shimmy it off of her. I placed it next to the shirt. 


When I turned back around, Juniper was sitting up on her elbows, with a mischievous grin on her face. She skimmed her hand down her chest, playing with her nipples, then down between her legs as she slowly opened them. “Are you going to give me that orgasm now or do I have to do it myself?”

Chapter 21



I was fully committing to the brat behavior. That seems to entice the most from Graham. That seemed like the one way ticket to his dick. Which I definitely wanted more of.


I waited until he turned back to face me, then I sat up and played with my nipples. His eyes were trained on my hand as I moved down my body. Once I had his full attention, I dipped my fingers down between my legs and rolled my head back. He wouldn’t be far behind. At least I hoped he wouldn’t be. “Are you going to give me that orgasm now or do I have to do it myself?”


I didn’t have to open my eyes to know he was towering over me. Still gloriously naked. His hard cock bobbing between us. I looked back up and he was slowly stroking himself. “You are taunting me on purpose.”


“Maybe. I’m feeling deprived. I’m not nice when I’m deprived.” I shrugged, then continued to slowly stroke my clit. Moving my legs further apart to make sure he saw exactly what he was missing. 


His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, then pulled my hand back, pinning it to my side. “Don’t you fucking dare do that again.” Then kneeled down at the edge of the bed and pulled my hips up to his face. “You’ll only come because I allowed you to.”


“Get on with it then.” I continued to use my sweetest voice, knowing it was just going to push him over the edge. He spread my thighs wider apart, and then kissed from my knee to the apex of my thighs first on my right leg, then my left. 


“Last I checked, you don’t tell me what to do.” Graham’s deep voice said from between my legs, and I looked down at him again. He had his teeth poised at my thigh. The man had a thing for biting and I was here for it. He sank his teeth into my leg and I yelped. It hurt so good. Then he kissed the bit softly before finally giving me the attention I deserved. He sealed his lips around my clit and hummed. 


My back arched off the bed and my hands flew to the sheet, balling them up in my hands. After a slew of fucks, I finally caught my breath, but not for long. I felt his fingers moving up my thigh, then slid into me and he hummed again. The breaks between the assaults were the worst. I was so fucking close and he’d just get me right to the edge and back off. “Come on.” I said through gritted teeth and I heard him chuckle darkly. 


“You taunted me. I’m going to taunt you.” Then Graham did it again. Sealing his lips around my clit and humming, then curling his fingers up inside me, massaging my g-spot. This time though, he didn’t let up. 


I brought my heels up onto the bed for leverage. “Please Graham, please.” I begged for a release. Thankfully he kept going. Sucking on my clit and humming, using his fingers like a fucking god. My orgasm crashed over me. 


I saw stars. Literally. I think I blacked out. 


When I came to, I was vaguely aware of his moaning. When I glanced down he was jerking himself off while licking me clean. Holy fuck. Where did this man come from and how could I keep him? 


He moaned deep in his chest and he braced himself on my thigh that was next to his face. Silence fell around the room, just the noise of our panting. “I guess I should go to work now.” I sat up and Graham stood up. His dick right at my eye level. 


Putting my hand on his hip, I pulled him forward and licked the cum that was still on the head of his dick off. “Jesus.” His hips jerked and he braced himself on my shoulder. “I think we should just stay in your bed all day.” 


“I wish.” I rolled my eyes and stood up. “Now I have to text Marigold, try to explain why I’m late, then fix my hair, iron my clothes and head out.” 


Graham cut me off when I tried to walk around him. “Hold on.” Then he held my face in his hands. “I didn’t even get a good morning kiss.”


I thumbed behind me. “Then I don’t know what that was.” I couldn’t even finish the statement before laughing. 


“That was me, sucking on your clit until you came on my face. And now, it's you kissing me before you leave.” He leaned in, kissing me softly. I took a deep breath, smelling myself on his face. I had a new favorite thing. The smell of Graham the baker and my cum. It was intoxicating. “I’m done for, aren’t I?”


“Yep.” I nodded and gave him one more kiss before I ducked back into the bathroom. When I came out, he was gone but my clothes were perfectly ironed and hung up and the smell of bacon wafted up the stairs. 


Damn. That man works quickly. 

Chapter 22



Sitting in my office, once again, was the last thing I wanted to be doing. 


I left Graham cleaning up my kitchen and on the phone with Marigold, running out the door. She was already grilling me. But not on the reason for not being at work. Because I didn’t stay in bed with the cute baker. I don’t know when she decided to bring me under her wing, but I didn’t necessarily mind. I didn’t have a lot of friends. 


I slunk into the office, I needed to get work done before I left next week for grandma’s house in Port Crimson for the holidays. Graham and I agreed to text but we couldn’t quite work out when we’d be able to see each other again. 


Speaking of texting, my phone buzzed in the drawer next to me. 


Big Nick Energy: I think I miss you already.


Me: Think?


Big Nick Energy: I *know I miss you already.


Me: That’s better.


Big Nick Energy: Watch it sweetheart ;) Now you know what I’m capable of.


Me: Watch it?! I’ll push your buttons every chance I get. 


Big Nick Energy: Then I’ll make sure to tie you up. Every. Chance. I. Get.


Then a picture of the lights in his passenger seat came through and I busted out laughing. Of course he took those as a souvenir. I half expected him to set them up somewhere for decoration. 


“Who are you giggling over?” Sophia burst into my office and grabbed my phone. “Hold on, did he tie you up with lights?”


Marigold got wind of Sophia’s very loud commentary and came jogging down the hall. “Did I hear ‘tie you up with lights’?”


“Yes.” I grumbled, not bothering to get up. 


Then I heard my phone ringing and I sincerely hoped it wasn’t Graham. If Marigold or Sophia answered I’d be mortified. Sophia quickly handed my phone back. “Your Grandma is calling you.”


Marigold waved behind her on the way out of my office, “This isn’t over.” Then the door closed. 


Thank god. Saved my grandma. I answered quickly, nearly missing the call because of them. “Hey Grandma!”


“Hey you! Are you ready for next week?” She was so excited, more than past years. 


“Yes. Of course.” I sat back, looking out the window of my office. “Hey, have you heard of Silent Night Treats?”


“Yes.” Her voice was sharp now. “I don’t go there. I can make that stuff at home.” 


“Okay okay. I was just asking.” I’d share my good news with her when I got there then. She was protective of her baked goods, so that probably wasn’t the best segway into bringing Graham over or me spending a night or two at his place. “What do you have planned when I’m there?”


“Honey, we are going to bake our hearts out. Watch movies and listen to every Christmas song that has ever been made.” She ended the statement with humming her favorite Christmas song, Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree. I could see her dancing around the kitchen when I closed my eyes. 


I caught movement from the window to my office. Marigold was tapping her wrist, then I checked my calendar and she put a meeting on the calendar that just said, ‘BNE’. I rolled my eyes and bid farewell to Grandma. 


Marigold threw the door open and the rest of the girls filed in. Sophia plopped down in front of me. “Alright, tell us about his dick. Was it as delicious as he is?”


Part II Next Week

Stollen is a fruit bread of nuts, spices, and dried or candied fruit, coated with powdered sugar or icing sugar and often containing marzipan.


Prep Time: 30 mins, Cook Time: 40 mins, Additional Time: 1 hr 40 mins, Total Time: 2 hrs 50 mins, Servings: 15, Yield: 1 stollen, Original recipe (1X) yields 15 servings


⅔ cup warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
2 ½ cups bread flour
⅓ cup white sugar
⅓ cup butter, softened
1 large egg
½ tablespoon salt
⅔ cup diced candied citron
⅓ cup currants
⅓ cup golden raisins
⅓ cup red candied cherries, quartered
6 ounces marzipan
1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon



  • Gather all ingredients.
  • Place warm milk and yeast in a bowl. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
  • Place yeast mixture, 2 cups bread flour, white sugar, butter, egg, and salt in a large mixing bowl; stir well to combine. Add remaining flour, 1/4 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition.
  • When dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface; knead in candied citron, currants, golden raisins, and cherries. Continue kneading until smooth, about 8 minutes.
  • Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl, and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
  • Lightly grease a baking sheet. Deflate dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll marzipan into a rope and place in the center of the dough.
  • Fold dough over to cover it; pinch the seams together to seal. Place the loaf, seam-side down, on the prepared baking sheet.
  • Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake stollen in the preheated oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) and bake for a further 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.
  • Let cool on a wire rack, then dust with confectioners' sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Wisconsin-based author Heather Moore works her boring office job during the day and when her mind isn’t consumed with the next story to obsess over, she hangs out with her husband and dogs watching TV or traveling around the state. While not new to writing, she is new to putting her morally gray characters and their stories out into the world.

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