Meet Cute Part 2 by Heather Moore - NSFW

Published on 16 February 2025 at 08:00

Trigger Warnings:
Mention of toxic family/alcoholism, Death of a parent




Chapter 1



I didn’t call Maitland. 


I should have, but I didn’t. 


I blame it on getting the stomach flu from Shane. He’s been on his own because I’ve been hugging the toilet for the past two days. My phone is not too far away, just in case this turned worse than what he had. Addy had dropped off food for him since I was in no shape to cook and when I tell you he had the most delicious smelling pasta. I was insanely jealous. Vance could cook like a chef and I didn’t even get to have any of it. 


Here I sat. Leaning against the tub with my phone in my hand and staring at Maitland’s message. 


Maitland: Sophia, call me when you get a chance. 


I did want to call him. Don’t get me wrong. But what was I going to say that wouldn’t require him to either come over and take care of me or I’d have to explain, my brother, Shane. Luckily he didn’t know where I lived, so he couldn’t just show up. 


“Soph, are you still alive?” Shane peeked his head in and he looked worried. “Should I call Addy?”


Instantly no. I didn’t want her to get sick too. “I’m alright. Just getting through it.” I motioned with my hand for him to leave and he did. 


“Before I go, there is a guy here.” Fuck. Did Maitland get my address somehow? I didn’t want him to see me like this! Maybe Addy sent one of her guys as a sacrifice. 


“Anyone we know?” Shane met Vance and Tyson, so he’d know both of them. 


“He has dark hair and glasses. Just standing at the door.” That was Maitland. SHIT. 


“DO NOT LET HIM IN.” I barked then started coughing. “Just go to your room.”


“Should I call the police?” Shit. I didn’t mean to scare him. 


“No.” I tamed down the coughing and managed to stand up. I just needed to tell Maitland to go away. “I’m coming.” After I fished a cleanish shirt out of the basket and put on pants, I walked out into the foyer. Looking through the peephole I saw Maitland in all his gorgeous, nerdy IT guy glory. I missed him. I wanted to talk to him. But not right here or now. 


Once I was sure that Shane was in his room, I opened the door slowly. “Hey…” I managed to croak. Sounding a little extra sick for effect. “Listen, I’m super sick right now and I wouldn’t want you to get it too.” 


“I know. Adelaide said that you weren’t feeling good. I brought some things with me.” He held up a container of soup and ginger ale. This man was really trying to make me fall in love with him. “Can I come in for a minute?” It occurred to me that I never told him where I lived, but that’s something I’d have to address later. 


“I really don’t want you to get sick. I’m sorry. Just set the stuff down and I’ll grab it once you are a safe distance away.” Fuck. He looked so damn sad. 


“You don’t have the plague and I don’t mind getting sick. I just want to talk.” He didn’t move and my anxiety was making my stomach churn more than it already was. “I really want to make something work, and I know you're busy. But I think we are really good together.” 


Ugh. My heart. “I know. I promise I’m not ghosting you. But I’ve been super sick. I’ll call you.” I put up my pinky. “Don’t touch me, but this is me pinky promising you that I’ll call.” 


He smiled softly. “That’s a solid promise. You have to call me.” I watched as he headed back to his car. 


“I will.” In my shitty neighborhood he stuck out like a sore thumb. Dressed in his black slacks, white button down shirt and suspenders with patent leather shoes. His messy hair didn’t match the put together aesthetic but he was still adorable. I waved as he drove away then ducked out the door and picked up the soup and ginger ale. It was a nice sentiment, and coming from him, didn’t surprise me one bit. 


Maitland was way too good for me and to me. I didn’t deserve how nice he was being. “Soph, who was that?” Shane called down the stairs. 


“Just a guy from work.” I called back. 


“You know, he could have stayed.” This kid, I swear. He’s the best. He was wise beyond his years. “I don’t mind.”


“I didn’t want him to be sick too.” Which was partially the truth. The other truth being that I didn’t tell Maitland about Shane and that would have been a much bigger conversation. 


“I guess.” I heard his room door close, then I put the items away and headed back to bed. Now I was still committed to calling Maitland, but at least he didn’t think I was ignoring him. 

Chapter 2



Sophia was officially avoiding me. I saw her on Wednesday, then she was sick and now it was Saturday night and she still didn’t call me. I didn’t want to be that guy who obsessed. I was really trying to be good. 


“Dude. Talk to me.” Brandon said through the headset while we played Dead Island 2 and I moved my slayer again, jumping off of a wall and over him to avoid a bullet. “There you are. Still thinking about Sophia?”


“Yeah.” I admitted quietly as I shot a few zombies and we continued down the streets of Hell-A. “She hasn’t called me.” 


“Well, maybe you suck.” Snorting out a laugh, I ducked and he shot a few zombies that I missed. “Hey, steal this car, we need to get across town faster.” 


I heard my doorbell and assumed it was my food being delivered. Normally they just sat it by the door, then I’d run down and grab it. It rang again and I grumbled, “What now?” Brandon growled through the headset. “I’m dying out here.” I saw that he had just respawned and wasn’t next to me anymore. 


“Shit. Sorry. Dinner is here. I’ll be right back.” I found a spot to hide in the game and jogged downstairs. Throwing the door open, I was expecting there to be a paper bag tied up at my feet but to my surprise there was an adorable, black haired girl standing in front of me holding two bags. “Sophia, this is…”


“Unexpected.” She finished for me. “I know. But I’m feeling a ton better now, so I thought a visit would be better than a phone call.” 


“That will literally always be better.” I stepped back and motioned for her to come in. “Did you bring food or did I order way too much?”


“I brought some and you ordered too much.” Sophia laughed as she sat the bags on the counter. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.” Her eyes darted around nervously, then landed back on me. 


“If you are implying that I had someone over here, then no.” Then I got an idea. “Come with me.” 


“Hey! Dinner is going to get cold.” She whined but I didn’t stop until we were back in my game room. I sat down in my chair and put my headset back on, then turned and opened my legs wide. “What are you planning?” Sophia wanted to be skeptical, but I could see that she was excited. 


Her hands fidgeted in front of her. “Why don’t you come here and find out?” I tipped my head to the side and she took a tentative step towards me. “Sophia, I asked you to do something.” 


She walked up and stood between my knees, I put my hands on her hips. “Now, kneel down.” She slowly lowered herself down and put her hands in her lap. It was convenient that I only had on gym shorts and nothing else, and I didn’t miss her eyes scanning up and down my body since I opened the door for her. “Run your hand up the leg of my shorts. I want you to feel how much I missed you.” 


Her eyes got big as she did as I asked, I had to control myself feeling her hand wrap around my cock. “Fuck Sophia.” She moved her hand up and down slowly and it took everything in me to not just fuck her. 


“DUDE! Where the fuck are you?!” Brandon yelled through my headset and I flinched. I forgot about the most fun part of this. 


“I’m here.” I looked down at Sophia, then back at the screen. He had just respawned again and I should probably jump in. Muting the microphone, I put my hand over Sophia’s. “You will be quiet.” 


She nodded yes. “You will suck my cock until I finish on your beautiful face.” My fucking god, Sophia was perfect. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. I put my hand under her chin and pulled her towards my crotch, “Wrap those pretty lips around the tip.” I used my free hand to pull up the leg of my shorts to expose my entire cock and it stood at attention right by her lips. “Don’t be shy now…” 


“I swear to god Mate if you don’t log in I will not talk to you again.” Brandon then yelled a slew of insults over my headset. 


I unmuted and picked up the controller. “Sorry man. I was busy.” 


“Mmhmm…I’m out here getting slaughtered and your getting your fucking dick sucked.” Oh, if he only knew, which he would in a minute. I took out a few zombies and found my way to where he was in the game. 

Chapter 3



I had intended on talking over dinner, but this was far better than I could have imagined. 


Maitland kept his eyes trained on the screen in front of him and his hands on the remote but I saw his jaw flexing and his thighs were tense next to me. I better get a reward for this though, because when I was done I’d be fucking soaked and annoyed as hell if he didn’t do anything about it. 


For what felt like an eternity he didn’t look down at me, or even acknowledge that I was there. Just the occasional flex of his muscles or clearing of this throat. This simply would not do. I needed him to know I was here. Both of them. 


I slowly pulled back, twirling my tongue around his tip. “Put the remote down.” I said quietly.


He glanced down at me, then smirked. “Two things. One, it’s a controller. Get it right. Two, I told you to be quiet.” Then he pushed my head forward and my lips wrapped around his cock again. 


I brought my other hand up and cupped his balls lightly, he didn’t react other than another clearing of his throat. Then I squeezed lightly and his eyes glanced down, but no more. Then I squeezed harder and he flinched, and he did more than glance down. He still held the remote in one hand but the other came down and weaved into my hair. “Fuck me.” He growled, holding my head still and moaning deep in his chest. 


For the record, I stayed quiet. I did exactly what he said. He’s the one who was making noise. As his grip let up, I went back to moving my head up and down and working his shaft in one hand and balls in the other. I’d make him break and his friend would know exactly what was going on. 


Maitland flipped up the mic and put the remote, sorry controller, down, then weaved his fingers into my hair. Seeming to mute his friend on the other end, I kind of hoped he didn’t mute the mic. “Fuck that feels so good…” I didn’t have to do anything, he held my face in place and thrusted up into my mouth. I was helpless, bracing myself on his thighs to keep from choking, beyond that Maitland did everything. “Close your eyes.” He grit out. 


I quickly obliged and he pulled out, spit dripping down my chin as he finished on my face like he promised. Although he was a gentleman and didn’t get it in my eyes. I slowly licked my lips and he pulled the mic down on his headset. “Hey man, I gotta go. Dinner is here.” I heard his friend say something but I didn’t hear what. It only made Maitland laugh, which made me laugh. 


Pointing to myself playfully I mouthed, “Me?” and he nodded yes. Making my heart flutter. 


I giggled uncontrollably as he pulled me into his arms and lifted me up before tossing me onto the couch behind him. I didn’t look around much but this appeared to be a spare room he turned into a gaming room. He had the full computer set up, but also a few gaming consoles set up too.


Maitland crawled up my body and then hovered his lips above mine. “You are something else Sophia. I accept your apology for ignoring me.” He didn’t seem to mind that my face was sticky with his cum. 


Before I could protest that I wasn’t apologizing his mouth was on mine and it occurred to me that we hadn’t really kissed since the first night and kissing him was heaven. Maitland was attentive and not rushed. Just as quickly as he was on me, he was pulling away and heading out of the room. “Did you want dinner or not?”


“You are a tease!” I yelled after him and his response was more laughter. 


After he cleaned off my face with a warm washcloth, we sat on the plush couch in his living room. There wasn’t a TV in sight, just a record player and shelves lined with records. “It’s funny to me that in one room you have the highest technology money can buy and in the next you have this.” I waved to the set up in front of me. “You are an enigma Maitland.”


“Thank you.” He grinned. Every time we were together, he opened up a little more. I really liked him and we got along really well. And on top of that, he was really good at fucking and aftercare. That was a bonus. “This is a nice place.” 


“Thanks. It's my second or third place, my first house. The first couple are always rough but when I landed here I decided to stick around awhile. You know?”


I didn’t know. I moved away from my mom as quickly as possible, then never moved out of that apartment. It was nice…once. Now it was run down, the landlord was offsite and the old, sweet neighbors that I once had either moved or passed away. I had noisy college kids or families with too many kids and not enough rooms as my neighbors.


I didn’t want to judge them,everyone was trying their best, but I wanted something better for Shane and I and It was always just out of reach. “I know.” Is what I said instead. He didn’t need to know my sad story, nor did he probably care. This was fun, I didn’t want to ruin it. 


“Why are you so quiet Sophia?” He put his plate down and reached across, cupping my cheek in his soft hand. “What aren’t you telling me?” His eyes narrowed and I felt like he saw what I was thinking scrolling past my eyes. 


“It’s really nothing. You know, I should go.” I didn’t need to. Shane was at Addy’s house and I’m sure living it up. Watching old MMA fights and boxing matches with Tyson and Vance. I tried to stand up but Maitland covered my body with his. “Mate…” I whined and he locked eyes with me. 


“You don’t call me that. That’s what my friends call me.” Oh. That stung. Then he continued on, “You are more than a friend and for as determined as you are to push me away, I’m that much more determined to make sure you know exactly how I feel.” Then he was kissing me again, slowly rolling me back until his body was perfectly between my thighs. “Do I make myself very clear?”


“Yes.” I nodded and he was kissing me, his tongue running along the seam of my lips and I opened for him easily. “Maitland, fuck me please. I just need you…” 


“Ah ah…you know my pace and it’s a slow one.” Excruciatingly slow, but last time I was with him it was mind blowing. I didn’t need to come multiple times if the few times I did orgasm were that good. He slowly rocked his hips against me and I could feel how hard his cock was. I only had on leggings and he was a pair of gym shorts away from me. I just wanted him inside me…I arched my back up and he propped up on his knees. “Are you trying to rush?”


“No. No. No.” I quickly tried to save the fact that is exactly what I was doing. He backed off and sat on his heels, giving me a disapproving look that made me feel so fucking small. “I just…”


“You…” He didn’t move. He just sat there between my knees, rubbing his cock slowly and I was practically drooling thinking about having him in my mouth earlier. 


“I just really want you to fuck me.” I admitted quietly. 


He cocked his head and gave me a devious smile. “Is that so?”


“Yes…” Another whine but I didn’t care anymore. “I’ll do anything.”


“Anything?” Oh I should not have said that, but I couldn’t go back now. 


“Anything.” I tried to keep the conviction in my voice. 


“For every orgasm I give you, you tell something about yourself.” My mouth fell open. I did want him to fuck me, but this was too much. I couldn’t out myself to him. He’d run away if he found out I have basically a child at home. Even if he wasn’t MY child. I could try to avoid that particular topic though.


I scoffed. Look at me bargaining with myself. That could work though…”Deal.” I grabbed the top of his shorts and tugged. “Now please let me feel your cock inside me.” 


“Gladly.” He stood up and pulled off his shorts, then yanked off my leggings and I disposed of my shirt and bra. “No underwear? Did you have a mission today?”


“Yes.” I made grabby hands and he lowered himself back down on top of me. 




Chapter 4



I don’t date. 


I don’t do one night stands.


And I certainly don’t take my time with women when I do fuck them. 


But with Sophia I wanted to savor every inch of her. I wanted to taste her skin. I wanted to mark her. I wanted to make sure that when we weren’t together she’d remember me. I wanted to beat the fuck out of anyone that dared to look her direction, let alone talk to her. 


Was that toxic? Oh I’m 100% certain of that fact. But I just kept fighting the urge to just…


Sophia yelped at my bite into her shoulder and it was just as good as I wanted it to be. My cock notched in her pussy and my teeth sank into her skin. I hoped that she knew it killed me to move this slowly, but I wouldn’t waste a single moment with her. “Maitland please.” She arched her back again and I leaned back, then grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me. “Fuck that’s so good.” Her pussy squeezed my cock and she wasn’t kidding. 


It felt incredible.


She felt incredible. 


This angle was perfect. I could see all of her reacting to me. The power was a heady feeling. I grabbed her hips and began to thrust into her. 


Slow was for later, when I could savor her. 


Right now, I wanted one truth and I wanted to fucking come inside her. I wanted to fuck her until she was completely out of breath, then keep going. Her hands darted out and grabbed at the blanket under us, then her hands balled into fists. 


“Please don’t stop, I’m…c-com-coming…” I didn’t stop nor did I intend to. I was right there with her, feeling the last of her wall break down as my hips stuttered. When I looked down, Sophia’s eyes were closed and she had her head thrown back. This would not do. I wanted to see her take me. I wanted to feel where our bodies met, my cock pulsing inside her and her muscles milking me dry. 


“Open your goddamn eyes.” I growled and she did. Her pupils were blown and her cheeks were flushed. Then I grabbed her hand and put it at the base of my cock. “Do you feel how wet you are for me?” She nodded yes. “Touch yourself.” 


“Then that’s t-two truths…” She gasped out as I put my hand over hers, both of us squeezing the base of my cock and fuck if I didn’t blow my load then and there. 


“Damn. Fucking. Straight.” I punctuated each word with a thrust and she moaned, her body writhing in front of me. “Now come for me again Sophia. Do not fight me.” I think I won this round. Her mouth fell open and there it was again. She squeezed my cock and I was fucking done for. At this point I was just edging myself and it was glorious. I'll know her whole damn family history before this night is over. 


“Maitland…oh god…” Her free hand dug into my thigh and I knew I’d have scratches but I didn’t give a fuck. If anything I wanted more. I wanted her to mark me too. Tonight would mark the night I finally admitted to falling for Sophia. 

Chapter 5



Sophia and I didn’t bother to get dressed, what was the point if I never intended to be out of her for very long in some capacity. We laid on the couch listening to an Elvis record and she hummed along quietly or would rock her feet slowly. 


I could live here forever. Right now. Just being wrapped around her. I didn’t force her to tell me anything but she did owe me. “Sophia, I believe there are two truths to be told.” 


“I was hoping you’d forget.” She huffed and attempted feebly to move but I didn’t let her budge. “Fine.” Then she got comfortable again. “My favorite color is sky blue.” 


“Okay…” Not quite what I had in mind but it would work. “Number two?”


“My favorite snack is plain Lay's chips.” She said with a satisfaction in her voice that annoyed me. She felt like she was getting out of something. “I guess I’ll need more orgasms to provide more information.” 


“I guess so.” I nestled my semi-hard cock against her ass and she gasped. “Now, next time, I want something more than first date questions. I’d say we are beyond that, yes?” I couldn’t help but to roll my hips, further proving my point. 


“Yes.” She grumbled and settled fully back into my hold. 


I spotted an orange fluffy tail and quietly directed her attention to Chat who was skulking through the kitchen. “Don’t draw attention to him, but Chat is coming around the edge of the couch.” Sophia stayed still as Chat turned the corner and rubbed on the couch. I dropped my hand over the edge and he rubbed on my fingers. “Hey buddy.” He meowed quietly, then flinched back when he saw someone other than me on the couch. 


“He is very cute.” Sophia said in a hushed tone and to my surprise she slowly put her hand out and Chat assessed her carefully, then approached. He let out a quiet hiss but didn’t run away like normal. 


If my weirdo cat fell for Sophia I was fucking done. She couldn’t ever leave. It’s the rules. I think we both held our breath as Chat first walked under her hand, slightly arching his back but he didn’t touch her. Then he eyed up the end of the couch where our feet were intertwined. There was no fucking way he was about to do what I thought he was. He barely sat with me, let alone came out of my room when someone else was here. 


“Is he…” Sophia breathed out and I put my hand over her mouth. 


“Shh. If we don’t acknowledge him, maybe it’ll happen for real.” My normal composure was out the window. She giggled very quietly as Chat jumped up and kneaded the blankets around our feet. “You live here now , I hope you know.” 


I moved my hand down and she sighed. “I wish.” I don’t think I was meant to hear her say that, so I didn’t react. Externally anyway. Internally I was throwing a party. 


I don’t know when she fell asleep but it was shortly after Chat settled at our feet. The record had quit playing awhile ago and I was enjoying watching her pulse, then her chest move up and down slowly. She was so beautiful. I moved her dark hair off of her neck and admired the bite bruise on her shoulder. 






The sun would be coming up soon and in the harsh light of day I would be having the discussion with her that we’d be exclusive. I wouldn’t be sharing her. 


I just couldn’t fall asleep because I’d miss her leaving again and that would not happen. 

Chapter 6



I was hot. Drenched in sweat and unable to move. My hip and shoulder hurt and my hair was wrapped around me and in my face. 


And I’ve never been happier. 


Maitland was locked around me, I suspected this was due to him not wanting me to leave without saying bye again. I didn’t intend on doing that today. Shane would be eating a delicious breakfast that I’m sure Vance made and gushing over Addy’s mansion endlessly.


“Maitland…can you please move?” I wiggled and he didn’t budge. Was the man even breathing? It would be my luck that I’d find someone who’s perfect for me and he’d die when we were snuggling. “Maitland.” I whined, my bladder screaming. I needed to get up. Chat wasn’t nearby so at least I wasn’t fighting two warm bodies to get up. Just one, surprisingly strong body. 


“Don’t go.” He grumbled. Fucking finally. 


“I’m not. I just really need to pee.” I don’t know why I felt the need to elaborate. But we did fall asleep with his cock inside me last night, so I guess I don’t really have any shame at this point. 


First his leg slipped out from between mine, then his arms opened like a clam. “Come back.” He mumbled and I rolled off of the couch, ungracefully at that, then got onto my hands and knees, and my entire body cracked. Shit, I was too old for this. 


I only knew of the bathroom in his room, so that’s where I went and I walked past the game room where Chat was sleeping in Maitland’s gaming chair. He was a cute cat and he seemed to like me, further proven by his meowing as I walked by and he jumped down to follow me. I wasn’t used to company while I used the bathroom but here I was with an enthusiastic orange tabby climbing on the counter to rub on my shoulder while I peed. 


“Buddy, you are a pest.” I stood up and my nakedness set in. I wasn’t sure where my clothes ended up, but I spotted a robe on the back of the door and decided I’d like to be covered up to roam around Maitland’s house. His kitchen was smaller but I suppose if he was only one guy, he didn’t need a lot of room. 


Chat weaved between my legs until I got to a certain cupboard and he sat down, pawing at it. It must be breakfast time. Given how Maitland talked about Chat, I don’t get the feeling he was normally this friendly. “Chat cat…” I mused. “That’s cute. I wonder why Chat…” I was talking to myself and now I knew why I didn’t have a pet. I’d just talk to it day in and out like an idiot. 


“He’s called Chat because that’s cat in french.” Maitland looked like a fucking god sitting up on the couch with his hair mussed and his gorgeous body on display. I loved that he was fit but not excessively so. “Also it’s cute to say Chat cat and he meows back at me.” 


“That is cute. I don’t suppose you have an energy drink or coffee maker…something. I need caffeine.” I opened a few cupboards while he shuffled across the room sleepily. As I opened a higher cupboard, standing on my toes, I felt Maitland behind me. He pressed his hard cock into my ass and I moaned involuntarily. “Maitland.” My resolve was quickly slipping. 


“You owe me.” His voice was low. “I believe I gave you another orgasm last night but you passed out before I could get my truth. And I’m ready to give you more orgasms for more truths.”


Shit. Shit. Shit. I was lucky after the first round of two truths, we fell into a make out session then he fucked me again from behind and I fell asleep shortly after. I didn’t have anything easy to give him. “I’m named after my grandma.” I lowered back down and he pushed my hips against the counter. 


“Doesn’t count. You gave me that one for free.” Maitland moved my hair to the side and took a deep breath as he ran his nose up the back of my neck. “Try again dear.” 


“Ah fuck. I don’t know. This is like fun facts at work. I suck at this.” I growled, trying to wiggle away from him. He undid the tie around my waist and the robe fell open, then he pulled my tit out, squeezing my nipple. “Maitland…” I tipped my head back and he kept up his assault on my nipple. 


“Come up with something else now.” He rocked his hips into me. “Or no more orgasms.” He said in a sing-song voice that gave me goosebumps. 


“Uh…I have never had a boyfriend.” I don’t know where the fuck that came from and I don’t know why I chose that random, humiliating fact. Now I’d have to explain myself. “I’m obviously not a virgin…” I rolled my eyes. Why did I say ‘obviously’


“Shh baby girl. You don’t need to explain yourself.” His voice soothed my nerves. “I’ll make coffee, go and sit down. I have to feed Chat and then I’ll be right there.” 


The warmth of his body behind me was gone and just as I turned around he was rounding the corner and his glorious ass was on display. 


Why did this little bubble have to pop soon?

Chapter 7



I wanted to give Sophia a ride home but she refused. On top of that she had the audacity to order a ride share in front of me and refused to let me pay for it. She didn’t drive anywhere, and the more I thought about it, she didn't even talk about having a car. 


My phone vibrated on the counter and Chat ran out of the room. “Fraidy cat.” I called after him and saw that it was Brandon. 


Brandon: Are you free now that you can game with me? 


Me: Yeah


Brandon: I don’t need to hear you come again. 


Me: Sorry bro 


Brandon: No fucking warning. *side eye emoji*


Me: You could have taken off your headset. Creep.


I didn’t tell Sophia that I didn’t actually mute Brandon. He was definitely still able to hear her slurping on my cock and my moaning and talking to her. Fuck I loved the idea of that. I tended to be a bit of a voyeur. From a vibrator in a restaurant to having her suck my cock while I knew Brandon was on the other end of the headset. 


Brandon: As long as you don’t mind that I jerked it to your girl last night….so you and Sophia are good?


I actually didn’t mind. I’ve known Brandon for a long time. Granted, not in these circumstances, but still. 


Me: Obviously.


I sat down in my chair and my cock instantly was hard. Fuck me, I’d be thinking about her sucking my dick for a long time, and hopefully I wouldn’t have to imagine it. She was weird this morning after her last admission to not dating. Something was still off, despite her giving herself to me willingly. The minute things strayed from me and my life, she squirmed. I wasn’t mad, she clearly wasn’t hiding a boyfriend or secret husband, but something was being hidden. 


Needing to get my thoughts away from Sophia I turned up the volume on my headset and focused on our game play. 


Monday morning was just as fucking boring as any other day as an IT guy for multiple corporate companies. The City Women chat was quiet, which should make me happy but that meant my normal banter with Sophia was limited, which made the pit in my stomach get bigger. I wanted her around more and it occurred to me after she left that we didn’t talk about being exclusive, although her admission of not dating helped ease me. 


Brandon answered a few of the chats, then packed up. We were going to a different office today to upgrade their internet and spend the day answering questions. As I pulled on my sweater, I heard Brandon snicker. “You and your preppy style. You make me look bad.” He motioned towards his hoodie and jeans.


“You could at least look smart.” I shrugged and he pretended to lunge towards me. “Hey. I call’em how I see’em.” I dodged an actual hit from him and he busted out laughing. 


“Fuck you. You get laid and suddenly you're the coolest guy in the room.”


“I am.” I hooked my fingers into my pockets and grinned, making Brandon roll his eyes and walk away from me. “You can look at me in my dapper sweaters anytime.” That earned me a huffed laugh and he was gone, carrying less than half the gear that we needed, leaving me to grab the rest. 



Chapter 8



I felt like my world was closing in on me with Maitland. He came to my apartment for fuck’s sake. I still didn’t know how he found my address, but I had a sneaky feeling Marigold or Addy had something to do with that. I wasn’t mad, but they could have warned me. 


The office was quiet, I normally was in first. I grabbed an energy drink out of the fridge, then walked around turning on the lights and starting the coffee pot. Lena would be running in with Bennett any minute now. She was always the first one in and Bennett sets up by the elevator. They were cute together, I envied her. 


“Hey girl!” As I predicted Lena walked by waving. “How are things?”




“Good? How was your weekend? Are you feeling better?”


“I am.” I nodded once. 


“And did you see your cute IT guy…” She leaned on my desk. It wasn’t really like her to be into office gossip, but the girls were involved in my life now I guess. I loved and respected them. 


“He’s good.” I leaned back, trying to keep my composure. 


She tipped her head thoughtfully. “Good?”


“Yes. Good.” Silence fell between us and we both knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut for long. “He’s great. I really like him, Lena.” I admitted quietly. “He’s so kind and funny, but also a lot of fun. He makes me laugh.”


“There she is. I love to see you gushing over someone.” She stood up and headed for her office. “Make sure to tell him that. Boys like to hear how much you like them. Otherwise they are a bit oblivious.” I heard Bennett’s laugh from around the corner. 


I looked at my phone sitting in front of me. I should text Maitland but something itched under my skin that I wasn’t ready to admit to. It was the something that was the reason for my admission to Maitland on Sunday. That I had never dated anyone. It wasn’t Shane’s fault, so I wasn’t blaming him. Shane was a great kid and he, if anything, wanted me out of the house so I didn’t bug him about playing too many video games or spending too much time on his phone. Him and Maitland would get along great. 


I jumped back when my phone vibrated. 


Maitland: I won’t let you forget about our deal. 


It took me a minute to remember exactly what he was talking about. The deal where for every orgasm I had to tell him a truth. 


Me: I do remember. 


Maitland: I don’t suppose you have the vibrator with you.


Me: No. *blushing emoji* I’m at work.


Maitland: I guess I’ll have to do something else then. 


Me: What exactly do you have in mind?


Maitland: Are you having computer issues this morning?


Me: Sexting over work chat seems risky and quite inappropriate. 


Matiland: I was implying that we needed to come by in person but I like the way you think. 


My computer dinged and I slowly glanced over. It was a remote access request. From Maitland. 


Maitland: I suggest you find somewhere more confidential for this. 


Me: What exactly do you have in mind?


Maitland: You’ll figure it out. Ten minutes. Log into the remote access app in ten minutes. 


I was stunned. I had a meeting in ten minutes with the entire team. I couldn’t be on my computer sexting with my boyfriend via remote access. 




Oh wow. We didn’t discuss that. I don’t know why I thought that. “Hey! Are you ready?” Addy came walking by and tapped my desk. “Meeting in five. We have snacks.” 


Fuck me. I didn’t want to disobey Maitland, and the thought of what he had planned was getting me wet already. I squirmed in my seat before standing up and fixing my dress. It was time to see what Maitland had planned. 


I settled into my seat and opened my computer again. The request just hung there in front of me. I logged in with my code, then the screen outlined in red signaling that he was now remoted in. My heart skipped a beat. I should get the palpitations checked out and I’ll bring Matiland with me so they know exactly what the cause is. 


The chat box came up on my computer. 


Mate: Are you set up?


Me: Yes


Mate: Can anyone see your screen?


I intentionally sat with my back to the wall so that the reflection couldn’t be seen on the window and I was in my normal corner, everyone else was at the table in the uncomfortable office chairs. I always claimed the couch as mine. 


Me: Yes


Mate: Good girl


I could practically hear him saying that to me and it gave me goosebumps. 


Mate: If I’d made a house call, this would be going very differently. 


Me: How so?


Mate: We’d be working on the internet.


Me: Elaborate.


I really needed him to elaborate. I needed to know what he had in mind. 


Mate: You would be showing me the back room, while Brandon helped with computers. 


Me: kinky. 


One hundred percent sarcasm. He was not taking this in a direction that got me any closer to an orgasm. 


Mate: Watch it.


Mate: You and I would be testing out the soundproof capabilities of that room. 


Not that I needed him to elaborate but holy fuck. That sounded hot. 


I realized the room around me was quiet. When I slowly looked up, Addy was looking at me like she’d just asked me a question. 


Shit. Fuck. This was not good. I was going to get myself in trouble. 


“Did you catch that for the notes today?” Today's meeting was the most important of the month, we solidified and approved the last of the articles and made sure that everything was ready to go for release for the following month. I really didn’t need this distraction today. 


I slowly shook my head no. “I’m sorry I didn’t. My computer froze.” Yep. My brand new computer froze and I couldn’t take notes. 


She stood up and headed for me. “Let me look. I’m guessing that you have one too many tabs open. Like normal.” She laughed and she wasn’t wrong…normally. Today she was though. I stood up too, slamming my computer shut and tucking it under my arm. “Just let me look.” She put her hand out and I was mortified. Addy was technically my boss and it’s not that we had new people in the office today, but I didn’t feel like explaining what was actually going on to the entire room. “Are you alright?”


“Girl, I’m fine. I just…I’m going to message IT and find out why the computer I just got is not working.” I huffed and walked out. Trying to keep my composure. That’s how I’d act normally, right?  Maitland was twisting my brain into knots. 


Addy followed me into the hallway. “Seriously, are you alright?” She grabbed the arm that wasn’t holding the computer.


“Yeah, I’m good. Promise.” 


“Did you tell him about Shane?” She probed. Addy would pick out the very core of my anxiety. Flaying me open like a fucking fish. “You need to tell him before you make a web of lies you can’t keep up with.” 


“Addy…” I whined.


“Tell. Him. You don’t have to talk about your mom, but Shane is in your life, in your home and a huge part of it. So you have to tell him.” She crossed her arms. “Don’t make me intervene again.” 


“Again?” I narrowed my eyes on her. “You gave him my address didn’t you?”


“Yes.” She smiled softly, her shoulders relaxed too. That must have been bothering her. Watching body language was basically second nature after growing up with my mom, I was constantly gauging how hard her steps were or how fast she was walking, or how quickly she was breathing. “You need him. I’ve never seen you happier. I don’t think for a minute he’ll be mad about Shane.” 


“Who’s Shane?” Lena peeked her head out. 


This was unraveling quickly and my previous anticipation of a kinky work chat was long gone. I was mortified. “He’s…my…brother.” I said slowly. Drawing out the pause between each word. 


The look on Lena’s face was surprise and disappointment. I had been hiding this from them the entire time and here I was running out of a meeting worrying everyone. “Is he okay? You seem flustered…” She reached for me and I backed up. 


“Yeah. I gotta go though.” I grabbed my purse and headed for the elevator. I spotted Mari standing in the doorway. She was the only other person who knew and that’s because I signed up for family insurance. 


I don’t know where I was going but I wasn’t staying in the office. I knew that much. 

Chapter 9



I stared at my computer, fingers tented in front of my face. Waiting. I waited for fifteen minutes. 


Then half an hour. 


Did I fuck this up royally by overstepping? Sophia didn’t say anything that would make me think that I’d overstepped but here I was staring at my blank screen and her icon said she was unavailable. 


My mind was running with all of the possibilities and apologies. I didn’t want to scare her away, but she didn’t stop me either. 


“Are you good?” Brandon rolled his chair around the corner. 


“I fucked up.” I said as I threw myself back in my chair. “I fucked up bad. Now Sophia isn’t talking to me.” 


I know I was being dramatic, but I was terrified that I wouldn’t see her again. Brandon peeked at my, now blank, screen. “What did you do?”


“I think I overstepped. I won’t elaborate.” I said quickly. “What now?”


“Go to her house?”


“No. She got weird when I did that.” And I didn’t need to overstep anymore that I already had. “Brandon, I don’t know why I keep fucking up.” I put my hand down on the desk. “I just want this to work.” 


“Dude. You’ve only been on a few dates. You're trying, she’s the one hiding and being dodgy.” That made me sit up. 


“Hold on, you think so?”


“Yeah. You’ve laid out that you're a kinky motherfucker. She seemed to like that. But the minute that it defers to her, she’s dodgy.” 


“Quit saying ‘dodgy’.” I grumbled. 


“It’s a good word.” He sat up, “I think you guys need to actually talk and not just fuck.” Brandon was right. I was thinking with my dick. If I wanted this to work, I needed to actually use my brain and feel out what was going on. I still didn’t think that it was another man. She didn’t seem like the type, but she was hiding something. 

“Alright.” I rolled back. “I’m going to message Adelaide to find out if she’s still in the office today.” 


“Wait.” Brandon barked after me. “Maybe ask Sophia if she’s in today, not her boss. That would be a good place to start.” I heard him roll his chair back as he called me a creep. 


I hated that he was right. I sat in my car with my phone in my hands. What was I going to say after we ended things this morning? 


Hey, checking in…


Hey, hope I didn’t overstep…


Hey, I’m an idiot and realized that I don’t actually know you that well…




None of that was good enough. Maybe I’d let her sit for the night and try again tomorrow. Give her time to reset, then I’d message her. But that was just avoiding the problem, wasn’t it. 


Me: Hey Sophia, I wanted to make sure you were okay. I didn’t hear back from you. 


After I solicited sex from you while you were at work. 


She immediately started typing. Then nothing. Then typing. Then nothing. FUCK ME. This was torture. Then my phone started to ring. 


I just stared at her name with my heart pounding out of my chest. On the third ring I answered. “Hey.” And yet I still landed on fucking ‘hey’. I’m an idiot. 


“Hey.” She said quietly. 


“I was thinking about you.” Of course I was. I just fucking texted you. 


“I saw that.” She laughed quietly. 


“Listen, if I overstepped earlier…” 


“Maitland stop.” Her voice cut off any and all other thoughts I might have had. “You did not overstep. I was totally into it, but that meeting was apparently more important than I thought it would be.” She ended with a laugh and made me relax. She wasn’t mad at me or creeped out. 


“Holy shit Sophia.” I breathed out. “What happened?”


She cleared her throat. Then the word dodgy came to mind. She was doing it again. “I need to go, but I wanted to make sure we were good.”


“We are good. Hey, while I have you. Are you free this weekend?”


“Yeah. Date night?”


“Yes.” I said with a big, stupid grin on my face. 


“Perfect. See you then.” She hung up and I was relieved but also something was still gnawing at me. She was hiding something. I needed to know what it was and I wanted to find out from her. No one else. 

Chapter 10



I didn’t mean to scare Maitland like I did, but my carefully constructed world was crumbling around me. 


Lena, Norah and Juniper didn’t know about Shane. Well, Lena knows now. 


Maitland doesn’t know about Shane.


No one knows about my mom and her…problems. I just figure if I don’t talk about it, it isn’t happening. Right? RIGHT?! 


I hadn’t heard from my mom and that was never a good sign. She would call me crying at least once every couple weeks, and it had been…well, I don’t know. I checked my calls and it had been three weeks. Shit. That means I’d have to go to her house. My childhood hell hole. 


Friday after work I pulled on a pair of leggings and an old hoodie, her house smelled horrible like cigarettes and I didn’t want to wear my cute clothes over there. Shane opted to stay home, but I did always give him the option to go. I never wanted to deny him the right to see him biological mother. If she ever decided that she wanted to fight for him, I had given him the option to go see her. He always declined. 


Fuck, I wouldn’t go if I didn’t feel obligated to. 


I parked outside the old, run down house and it looked like it always did, just shittier. As I walked up I noted the newly broken window, looking like someone tried to break out. Not in. Definitely out. This did not bode well for me. I unlocked the door and the smell of cigarettes hit me like a truck, instantly making me cough. “Mom!” I yelled into the house and I didn’t hear anything. “Linda!” She got irate with me for calling her by her legal name. Usually that got her attention. 


As I walked into the kitchen and she was laying on the floor and for a brief moment I thought I was finally free of my burden, then she stretched. Then I saw the yellowing of her eyes. Well, maybe I was closer to my freedom than I thought. “Mom?”


“My baby girl.” She cooed and tried to stand up but then fell again. That’s when I fully took in the picture, she’d been on the floor for a while. She had wet herself and I’m pretty sure I smelled shit. She had an empty pack of cigarettes next to her and ashes in a little pile on the floor next to her. She’s lucky that she didn’t burn the house down. “Can you help me up?” She wasn’t sober, I wouldn’t give into the illusion that she was. Her drink of choice was vodka and the liquor cabinet was near her. I’d bet that it was empty right now. “I need to go shopping. I need groceries.” 


Groceries was just another way to say vodka. “How long have you been down there?”

“I fell a couple days ago and can’t get up.” She laughed. Fucking laughed. “Now be a good daughter and help me up.” 


Ah yes. The ‘good daughter’ guilt. Super. “Mom, I think you need to go to the hospital.” 


“Nah. I’m okay.” She tried to get up and I pushed her back down with my foot. “Hey!” She shrieked. “Fucking bitch.” 


“Ah, there you are.” I pushed her back down again. “Stay. I’m going to get you clothes.” I walked up the stairs, careful to avoid the garbage and broken glass. I spotted a basket of clothes and hoped like hell they were clean, which they seemed to be. Actually, I looked around and this was the basket of clothes from the last time I was here. Whatever, moving on. 


I got back down to her and she was slumped over. First I nudged her with my toe, then a little harder. Then I put my hand on her shoulder and she didn’t react. “Mom?” I shook her and she didn’t react. Then I shook her violently and she tipped over. “MOM! LINDA!” 


How was this my dream and nightmare at the same time!?




Chapter 11



I hate hospitals. 


I hate them with a fiery, burning passion. 


“Ma’am?” The nurse stood in front of me and I shook my head. I needed to be paying attention. My mother was laying comatose on the table, even more yellow than when I found her and her stomach was swollen now too. “Do you need anything?” She pointed to the pillow and blanket next to me. 


“No. Thank you.” I nodded numbly. I just couldn’t do this right now and my senses were in overload. I told Addy to watch Shane so that he wouldn’t be exposed to this, which I had to lie again because she didn’t know about my mom. Everything was starting to blur together. Then I lied to Shane about where I was because he didn’t need to see or know about this. 


Leaving me here. Alone. Staring at my mother in acute liver failure. My phone died about an hour ago, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’d ever done, but I didn’t have it in me to care. For everything that my mother did to Shane and I, I still was sad. I was mourning the life we could have had. 


“There is a shift change, the next nurse will be in shortly. Do you need anything?” The nurse that had been helping today hurried around the room talking to me.


“No ma’am. I’m okay.” I sat back and closed my eyes. 


“If you don’t mind me asking, do you have someone to cover for you?” The woman finally stopped moving and looked at me. 


I just shook my head no, but didn’t move otherwise. I didn’t have anything else to say. She rearranged the blankets on mom’s bed, then I heard her set something down next to me, then the door closed. When I opened my eyes again, it was a phone charger. 

Chapter 12



My phone didn’t ring. Didn’t chime with a message. No missed calls or voicemails. How many times did I get ghosted by this woman before I gave up? 


I never did get a plan from Sophia for this weekend, and I messaged her on Saturday morning with no response. Leading me to believe I was being ghosted again. 


Brandon would know what to do. I picked up my phone again for the hundredth time this afternoon and texted him asking if I should call Sophia’s boss. Then my phone rang. Shit. He was about to tell me that it was infringing on her privacy. 


I answered anyway. “Hey.” I said quickly. “So what do you think?”


“I think you need to leave the girl alone.” He answered slowly. “Stop messaging her boss. Stop messaging her. Let her come to you. I do think she likes you but clearly something is up and she needs to come to you.” 


Why did he have to make sense? “So what about tonight?”


“What about it? You don’t have a plan so stay home. Idiot.” He laughed. “I’m logged on if you wanted to join in with me and the other guys.” I could do that, but I’d much rather be with Sophia. 


“What if she’s hurt? Or in the hospital?”


“So what? She’s not yours to care for right now. She has her own support system. It’s been three dates, not a lifetime.” Brandon, again, had a valid point. “She is working through something, and you can be there to help when she lets you in.” 


“Why are you single?” I asked quietly, still rolling around what he said in my head. 


“I’m too insightful. It freaks girls out.” He said simply. Brandon was brilliant, but he was insightful but he didn’t sugarcoat anything. “Sooo are you going to stalk her?”


“Yes.” I hung up before he could chastise me. 


As I pulled up to Sophia’s house, I didn’t see any lights on. It was after her work hours so it was weird that she wasn’t home. I still needed to try. The steps creaked as I walked up and I knocked hesitantly. I heard a male voice, then the door slowly opened. “Hey…” Adelaide stood there in her sweats and hoodie. “What are you doing here?”


“What are you doing here?” I tried my damndest to not look behind her, but it was killing me not knowing where Sophia was or who’s voice that was.


“I asked first.” She stepped out. “I thought you were on a date with Sophia.” Worry crossed her face and my stomach dropped. “Mate, why are you here alone?” She was now looking around me, questions coming at me rapid fire. “Where’s Sophia, is she okay?”


“I don’t know where she is. I messaged her about our date today and she didn’t get back to me.” 


“Well, I’m here watching Shane and…” Her mouth slammed shut and she quickly backed into the house. “You didn’t hear that. Go home. I’ll work on finding Sophia.” 


“Hey! Wait! Who is Shane?” I called after Adelaide and she froze. 


“She still didn’t tell you. I knew it.” She shook her head. “Shane is her brother. She’s his guardian.” 


Huh? Sophia never mentioned that she had a brother. Not once. Did she think I’d not like her if I thought she was her brother’s guardian? I don’t give a fuck. “Listen.” Adelaide touched my arm and I flinched. “Sophia is a really private person. The girls at work don’t know about Shane either. That being said, I don’t know where she is and that is worrying me. Can you come in, Shane is upstairs so he’s occupied. I need your help finding Sophia.” It hit me like a city bus that I didn’t know a damn thing about Sophia or her family. Not a damn, fucking thing. 


“Of course.” I followed her in and the surprises kept coming. The outside of the condo was older, run down. The cars in the neighborhood were older, the yards full of toys and garbage, no bars on the windows but it wasn’t a good neighborhood. Then when I got inside, the condo was beautiful. An oasis. She had plants hanging in the windows, a smaller tv in the living area but it was surrounded with paintings and mismatched furniture. Bookshelves lined the wall and were full of books and trinkets. No photos of parents though. Just her and Shane together. 


“Mate, can you track her phone?”


I whipped around and Adelaide was pulling on a more fitted hoodie and she now had jeans and sneakers on. “I don’t know how to answer that without sounding like a creep.” 


“You work in IT. That’s why I’m asking.” She clarified. 


“Yes. I can.” I did not elaborate. 


“You don’t need to do that.” We both looked and there was a boy standing in the kitchen. I didn’t hear him come down and apparently neither did Adelaide by the way she flinched. He was a spitting image of Sophia. Dark hair, paler skin, taller and skinny. He adjusted his glasses and walked towards us holding up his phone. “We share locations. She’s at the hospital. Probably with our mom.” He sounded so mature and that made my heart ache. For him and Sophia. But they didn’t need my sympathy right now. Sophia might need help and the three of us could help her. 


Adelaide put her hands on his shoulder. “What about your mom?” I’m glad she was confused, because my mind was mush right now. I couldn’t make sense of anything that I was hearing.


“Our mom is…sick. Soph won’t tell me more but not everyone lives with their sister, so it must be bad.” He shrugged. “She’s at the hospital and has been since yesterday when she normally goes to visit our mom. Soph doesn’t know that I know, so please don’t tell her. She thinks that following my phone only goes one way but I have to protect my sister. So I got her phone one day and shared her location back to me.” 


This kid was amazing. I saw myself standing there, just like him. Also, I wasn’t surprised that Sophia didn’t know how sharing locations worked. “I can’t leave you here alone.” Adelaide and Shane looked at me. “And I kinda need Mate’s help.” I could see that Adelaide was struggling. “Alright, we are all going to get her.”


Shane pointed to his feet and we both looked down at his shoes. “Did you think I was just going to sit here and wait?” He laughed under his breath, making us laugh. 


“No. I didn’t.” Adelaide half hugged him and headed for the door. “Are you coming Mate?”


“Yeah. Right behind you.” I quickly followed them and closed the door behind me, making sure it was locked.


I drove to the hospital, Adelaide in the passenger seat and Shane in the back. He was just staring out the window as the houses passed by. He met my gaze in the rear view mirror. “Is your name really Mate?” 


This gave me a chance to use my favorite line. The one that broke the tension with Sophia and I. “It’s actually G’day Mate, but that’s embarrassing to tell people so I just go by Mate.” I said matter–of-factly. Adelaide looked confused and Shane was laughing hysterically. 


“I know you're kidding but I wish that was true.” He managed to say through his laughter. 


“How do you know that I’m kidding?” I acted hurt, but was holding back laughter. Which made Adelaide giggle next to me. “My name is Maitland. It’s french. My friends just call me Mait.” 


“Not land?” Shane busted out laughing again, making all of us laugh. I really like this kid, he was funny and smart. 


“No. Not land.” I shook my head and the humor silenced as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. “How do we want to do this?” I looked at Adelaide but Shane spoke up.

“Well, I know my sister and if I show up there first, she’ll be pissed at both of you.” He rolled his eyes. “She treats me like I’m five. I’m thirteen. I can handle things.” 


“You are right.” Adelaide opened her door. “I’ll go first. I’ll ask for forgiveness later. Right now, I need to make sure that she’s okay.” I watched as Adelaide headed for the entrance of the hospital, then turned and waved for Shane and I to follow. I got out and Shane quickly followed. 

Chapter 13



I don’t know what time it was when I woke up but it was quiet in the hospital. Only the sounds of the nurses walking around and machines whirring and beeping in the hallway. Mom was still out of it. I had a decision to make today, one that would change my life. She would not recover from this and I didn’t have the funds to support myself, let alone her medical bills if I tried to keep her alive. 


The door opened slowly and the nurse from Saturday morning came in. “Good morning.” She nodded and I nodded back. She didn’t ask how I was doing because I’m sure it read on my face. I watched as she checked vitals and Mom’s color, which was still yellow by the way. “There is someone here to visit.” She said from the doorway. 


“Someone is here to visit my mom?” I furrowed my brow. Mom doesn’t have friends. She drinks in bars with people and is a disgusting mess. She didn’t have any genuine friends who were sober enough to know she was gone from her barstool. 


The nurse shook her head no. “Three people came to see you.” 


SHIT. Addy. She would for sure be one of them. Maybe the other girls from work, but they didn’t know about Shane, let alone my mother. “Would you like to allow them in? They arrived last night and are eating breakfast in the cafeteria right now.”


“Um, Let me think about it.” My stomach grumbled. “Is there a chance that I can have breakfast brought up for myself?”


“Of course.” She nodded and left. I don’t know what I’d say to Addy. She’d be hurt that I didn’t tell her about my mom. I was ready for her wrath. Addy was passionate and when she loved, she loved hard. But she was also selfless and she would give up everything to make sure the people she loved were safe and happy. She’d suffer for them. 


It was maybe fifteen minutes later and I heard footsteps again, then the door opened and a very tired looking Addy walked into the room. Closing the door behind her. Her red hair was up in a bun and she had her glasses on. I heard two male voices, that must be Tyson and Vance. I was hit with relief that it wasn’t Shane or Maitland. I wasn’t ready to explain myself to them. Addy would be difficult enough. 


“Sophia.” Her voice was quiet and I watched as her eyes darted to my swollen, yellow mother next to me. “Care to explain?” 


“I would rather not.” I shrugged, speaking in a normal tone because mom was out of it. And would be until I had them disconnect the breathing machine today. 


“Well, do it anyway.” She sat down next to me. I loved this woman with all my heart. She saved me when I needed a lifeline. How could I lie to her now? 


“Addy. I can’t.” For the first time since I arrived tears flowed from my eyes. “I can’t explain this because I am losing this battle. Up until the end this woman will make sure that I have to take care of her and her disgusting self. I am a slave to her and her ailments from the moment I could form words. Then Shane came along and I knew he deserved better than this. Better than what I had growing up. I fought for him and I still will. He won’t see her like this and he won’t see me like this. I fucking refuse.” I gulped down my sobs. “The only good thing she ever did was clean up while she was pregnant with Shane.” 


“That’s not true.” Addy put her hand on my thigh and squeezed. “She had you and you're amazing. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have you.” She wiped a tear with her sweatshirt sleeve. “We saved each other, you know?”


I nodded my head up and down, then wrapped my arms around her. “Thank you for coming, Addy.” 


She cried into my shoulder and I cried right back. I needed her here and I’m not sure why I convinced myself otherwise. “Where is Shane?” I leaned back. I knew he needed to be here, but he should be at home right now. Even if he was home alone, he could handle himself. 


“That’s the thing.” 


“Wait…how did you find me?”


“Well…” Panic rose in my throat and almost threw up the bile in my stomach. How did she find me? That didn’t really occur to me until this moment. “Sophia, don’t be mad at him.” 




“Shane. He knew where you were and told us.” 


“Us?” I was struggling to understand what she was saying. “Vance and Tyson?”


“They are here too, but no.” She glanced towards the door then turned back to me. “Maitland and Shane are here as well.” 


I breathed out Maitland’s name. Our date! I completely forgot to cancel last night! I’ve blown my chance with him now. He figured out my double life and that I’ve been hiding from him. 


“Soph?” Shane was standing in front of me now. I didn’t even hear the door open. “Are you okay?” He pulled my hands up from the knot in my lap and held them. 


A hysterical laugh burst from me. “Am I okay? I’m not the one dying.” I looked at our mom laying in the hospital bed. “She’s not going to survive Shane.” 


“I’m okay with that.” He sounded like a man. A mature man who knew exactly what I was saying. Not a thirteen year old kid. He grew up right in front of me. “I need to know if my big sister is okay.” 


“I’m not.” I shook my head no and started crying again. 

Chapter 14



Last night was rough. Adelaide, Vance, Tyson, Shane and I took over the smaller waiting room down the hall from Sophias mom’s room. We arrived too late to go in, but it gave me time to get to know the people that Sophia called family. 


Shane was great. That kid was brilliant and he loved his sister. He talked about their mom but didn’t seem to recall his childhood with their mom. Sophia protected him with everythings she could and he saw that. 


Vance and Tyson were funny together. Two buff dudes who both loved the same woman and each other. It was actually cool to see. Just three people who really cared about each other. The world’s opinion of them didn’t matter. 


I spent the night on the floor with a thin blanket and crunchy pillow. Vance and Tyson sat on the floor, Adelaide was sitting in Tyson’s lap with her feet over Vance’s lap. The nurses set up Shane in a vacant room nearby, which I appreciated. They had been very kind to all of us. 


“Maitland?” When I looked up, Sophia was standing outside her mom’s room. The rims of her eyes were red and she looked exhausted. But even then, she was beautiful. It was raw. Not the put together version of her that she showed me. This was better. “I’d like for you to meet someone.” She said quietly and I stood up, each step towards her made my heart skip a beat. 


I stepped into the room expecting to see a woman, like Sophia, sitting up in bed looking at me. I was sorely mistaken. The woman in the bed was not well. She was sleeping, her skin yellow and abdomen swollen. Shane was sitting in the corner on this phone, he glanced up and smiled at me. “Hey G’day.” Then snickered. 


Sophia snorted out a laugh. “So you use that line with everyone?”


“It breaks the ice.” I shrugged and put my hand out for her. She hesitantly took it and then wrapped her arms around me, nearly knocking me over into the table behind me. “Soph…” I squeezed her and her body shook with sobs. “It’s alright. I’m not mad.” 


“I hate this so fucking much.” She sucked in a deep breath but didn’t pull away. I heard Shane’s chair move, then his arms wrapped around both of us. Sophia’s body shook harder, making Shane and I squeeze her harder. I didn’t want to ever let her go, physically or metaphorically. 


I don’t know how long we stood like that, but Shane first stepped away then I waited for Sophia’s arms to drop slowly. She stepped back and looked back at her mother. “This is my mom.” She pointed to the woman on the bed. “She’s going to die soon, but now you’ve met my family.” 


I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Nice to meet you Sophia’s mom. I’m sorry for your loss.” I realize it was a morbid joke but both Shane and Sophia laughed. 


Shane stood next to his mother’s bed and held her hand. “I’m sorry you suffered mom. I wished for a quick death.” Then he kissed the back of her hand and walked out. Holy fuck. I think that thirteen year old boy was more mature than me. 


The nurse and doctor came in, Sophia signed some paperwork, then she stepped back and put her hand out for me. I stood behind her with my arms wrapped around her and my head rested on her shoulder. “This may be quick or she may live for a short time after.” The doctor said quietly. The nurse turned off a few machines, then removed IVs and the breathing tube. Then they pulled the blankets up. “You may see her struggle, she may flinch or move.” They kept talking but I didn’t need to see Sophia’s face to know that she wasn’t listening. 


“Sophia, did you want to stay here?”


“No.” She said clearly. “This woman hasn’t been my mom for years. I don’t need to be her daughter now.” Her statement took my breath away. I knew I had my arms around the strongest person I’ve ever met and probably will ever meet. 


I let go and we walked out to the waiting room. Shane slammed into Sophia in a hug and she hugged him back. I knew right then and there I wasn’t done with this woman. She was incredible and I knew everything I needed to. 

1 Month Later


Chapter 15



“Shane! Time to go.” I called into my empty condo. 


“I’m coming!” He came down the stairs carrying his phone charger. “Can’t forget this.”


“Oh of course.” I rolled my eyes and he pretended to punch me. “We are dropping the last of the boxes off at Maitlands, then you are going to school.” 


“It’s the last day…do I have to go?” He whined as I got into my car. 


My. Car. 


Maitland doubled down in taking care of Shane and I. Apparently the IT business in Madison was lucrative. He bought me a car, I didn’t let him buy me what he insisted I needed, which was a giant SUV that was for a family of ten. I only accepted his gift if I got to pick the basic sedan that was cute and fast. 


The other thing that he insisted on was us moving in with him. He had a spare bedroom for Shane. I argued that it was his game room, and he went home and set everything up in the living room and moved the records and record player into his room. Shane was just pumped to have a couch in his room. I would never see him again. 


I dropped him off at school, then headed to Matiland’s place. “Honey, I’m home!” 


“There she is.” Maitland came skipping down the steps and slammed into me, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up until my back hit the wall. “Ugh, I love having you here.” He just stared at me for a minute, then crashed his lips onto mine. “You can’t leave. I just decided that right now.” 


“Then it’s a good thing I don’t want to leave.” I was dressed to go to work, so in my heels I was taller than he was right now. “You know…” I tipped his face up to mine. “I have some time before I have to go to work. Addy knew I was moving today and that I’d be late. 


Chat weaved between my feet and I was reminded that he was supposed to be shy but loved me. “Chat cat, shoo.” Maitland nudged him out of the way, before taking my hand and pulling me upstairs. 


“Wait. Let me put this box up so Chat doesn’t get into it.” I picked up the box and put it on the side table. Prompting Maitland to look inside. “Hey!” I shrieked as he plucked a jar out of the box. 

“What is this?” He carefully held the jar above him into the sun, looking at the preserved octopus. “Or rather, who is this?”


“That’s Hank.” I said proudly. “I saw him online and couldn’t just leave him there.” 


“Did I fall for a complete weirdo?” Maitland carefully placed Hank back into the box and covered it. 


Once the box was secured, It was my turn to drag him upstairs. I wanted a quickie before I had to go to work. “So what if you did. Shane, Hank and I are here to stay now.” 


He didn’t fight me as I pushed him down on the bed and unbuttoned his pants. “I’m calling the police. I have a squatter.” Maitland weaved his hands into my hair and pulled me towards him. I scrambled up his body awkwardly until I was over him. “A very cute squatter.” Then he kissed my nose, making me scrunch my face.” 


“Thanks.” I grumbled against his lips, I was quickly silenced by him flexing his hips up into me. His cock was rock hard and I was dying to feel him inside me. 


“Watch the attitude darling. I know how to punish you.” He slid his hand up my skirt and goosebumps covered my skin. “I know how to make you squirm, I know how to make you sweat.”




His free hand slammed over my mouth. “You do not call me Mate. You know this.” 


I nodded yes, smiling against his palm. “Now, come upstairs with me so that we can properly celebrate you moving in.” 




Having Sophia here all day, everyday had me giddy from the moment she said yes when I asked her to move in with me. Getting through her mom’s funeral was hard. Super fucking hard. Sometimes she’d act calm and collected, the next she was hysterically crying and shaking. Shane was a champ through the entire process. He didn’t waiver and I had a ton of respect for that kid. He held Sophia up with me, keeping her safe. 

I glanced around and she had taken over every inch of my place and I wasn’t even mad about it. Everywhere I looked she had placed a trinket or hung a plant. Although the preserved octopus was kind of creepy. We’d have to talk about where he would go. 


I pulled Sophia behind me, kissing her urgently, leaving both of us breathless. She pulled my shirt over my head, then I backed her against the wall and unbuttoned her slacks, shoving them down. I attempted the buttons on her shirt but that got fucking annoying so I grasped the top of her shirt with both of my hands and pulled. Buttons flew around us and she gasped. “Maitland! That was an expensive shirt.” 


I halted her tantrum by kissing her again and her hands were on me again. Pushing my sweat pants down and I kicked them off. “Shush brat.” I added for effect and she smiled against my lips. “Now, time to collect rent for this month.”


“Are you implying that I’m trading sex for room and board?” She huffed as I dragged her along behind me and pushed her down onto the bed. Sophia looked like a goddess in front of me on our bed and I was practically drooling. I put my hands on her knees and pushed her legs open. 


“I’m not implying anything.” I grinned mischievously. “Its the fucking truth because I won’t take a penny from you. Only this…” I put her leg over my shoulder, slowly kissing up her calf, then to her thigh. The sweet smell of her pussy made me lick my lips. Fuck I wanted her. Right now. I used my other hand to tease her clit and she moaned. “These need to go.” I pulled her boyshorts off and threw them next to me, then resumed my teasing. 


“Fuck Maitland, please. I need you.” Sophia rolled her hips against my palm and that was my cue to amp it up a bit. I curled my fingers up and pressed on the sweet spot inside her and she stiffened, breathing out a ‘wow’ before I felt her muscles pulse around my fingers. I hadn’t even touched her with my tongue yet, this was just the beginning. 


“Look at you, a slut for me. So beautiful.” Now was the part I couldn’t wait for any longer. I slowly licked her slit and she moaned again. I felt her hands wrap into the blanket of my bed. Fucking perfect. I licked again, stopping this time with my lips wrapped around her clit and I moaned, eliciting the most delicious sound from Sophia above me. I was dry humping the bed and I needed to fucking stop. There was no way I was going to come on my sheets when she was right here, mine for the taking. 


Without hesitating, I sat up and pulled her hips to the edge of the bed, then slid my cock in slowly, watching goosebumps erupt on her skin. I did that. I did that to her. I was the reason for every single reaction she had. As I pulled out, her hands came down and she reached for me. “No, no. Not yet. I want you to see how wet you are for me.” I know I was looking. My cock was slick with her arousal and hot as fuck. I couldn’t quit staring. 


Sophia’s hand gripped my cock and my hips flexed into her hand involuntarily. “Maitland, please fuck me. I need you.” 




I felt like my heart was pounding a million miles a minute. This was already better than living alone. Being able to fuck Maitland whenever I wanted. Within reason of course. 


His cock jerked in my hand and I whimpered. I wanted him to fuck me. “Maitland…” My voice trailed off as he sunk his cock into me and I shivered. 


“Quiet baby, just look at you taking me so well.” Maitland cooed and I melted on the spot. He grabbed my hips and made slow, controlled strokes. “I can’t wait to use you whenever I want Sophia.” 


I’m a goner. Stood absolutely no chance. I glanced down where he was buried in me and closed my eyes for a minute. I was so fucking close right now. “W-wait…use me?” I think he just scrambled my brain. 


“Yes.” He growled, still not moving, just standing between my knees, with his cock buried inside me. “If I need a midnight snack, that’s you baby. If I’m feeling bored, that’s you. If I need to feel your lips wrapped around my cock while I’m playing video games, that’s you.” 


This should bother me. Probably? Right? But fuck if my muscles didn’t clench around his cock and he smirked down at me. “Would you like for me to move? Would you like some relief?”


“Yes please.” I begged, reaching for his hips so that I could move him myself if he wasn’t going to. 


“Beg. Harder.” He punctuated his sentiment with two hard thrusts making my entire body quiver. 


I moaned out his name, “Please fuck me. Please let me feel your cum inside me. Please…please…please…” 


“You sound so pretty when you are needy for me. Begging for my cock.” He leaned forward, pressing into me excruciatingly slowly. “Now, when I say come, you’ll come. And I want to hear you.” 


I quickly nodded yes and he started to piston into me, his hands gripping my hips for leverage. “Fuucckkk you feel so good.” I wanted to record him saying that and save it for later. Forcing my eyes open I didn’t want to miss anything. I wanted to see every inch of him enjoying me. The cut of his muscles, his arms flexing, the tension in his neck… “Come for me Sophia. Right fucking now.” 


Not needing anymore of a command, I grabbed his forearms as I came undone. I let out a slew of fucks and oh-my-gods as his hips stuttered to a stop. I was startled when he laughed quietly under his breath. “What’s so funny?” I asked, trying not to be offended. 


“Just…nothing.” Maitland stood back up and ran his hands up and down my sides, then my chest. 


“Hey.” I swatted his hands and he laughed again. “Tell me!”


Maitland’s smile was infectious, “Missionary so that I can watch you come undone underneath me again and again.” Then he ducked his head down, kissing up my chest to my neck. I needed his kisses and that would never go away for me. 


I needed every inch of him all the time. 


I found my person. 




And now the first chapter from Lemon, coming out on Amazon on April 1st





Chapter 1

Music pumped through speakers with distorted bass. “Water!” Sofia pointed to the bar. I nodded and followed her. It was only slightly quieter by the bar.


She pointed to the waters on the bar and I took the glass. “Bathroom!?” I pointed to the back hall. It felt ridiculous yelling one word questions back and forth but an entire sentence was out of the question.


We weaved our way through the crowd until we got to the small, two stall bathroom. It was so quiet in here compared to out on the dance floor I felt like my ears were whooshing.


“Soph, when did you want to head out?” I tried not to yell but we’d been yelling at each other for a few hours.


“It’s one thirty now, it would be just before bar time I’d think. Then we can still get a cab.” She also was still yelling, I didn’t feel so bad.


“I’ll call a cab and get an ETA then.” I dialed the cab company and while she used the bathroom. Then we traded off.


“It sucks that we couldn't even get a hook up for tonight.” Sophia rolled her eyes. “We look hot. C’mon.” She motioned to our reflections in the dirty mirror. “One selfie at least, then we’ll make our way out front.”


We posed and took a few pictures, only to probably delete them tomorrow. We were cute until we were drenched and sweaty and our hair was hit with the humidity of the other sweaty people.


I hooked my arm in hers and we walked out, depositing our cups at the bar then going into the throngs of people standing at the door.


“Shit, excuse me.” I slammed into a broad chest and would have hit the floor if it weren’t for all the people, well and him catching me by the shoulders.


“No worries.” My eyes tracked up his black button up shirt to a gorgeous square jawline. “Actually, a few worries. Were you leaving?” He smiled down at me.


“Yes.” I yelled, then started laughing. It wasn’t as loud by the door, hence his full sentences. I wasn’t used to that apparently. 

Sophie elbowed my side bringing my attention back to this moment. 


“Way to be cool.” She hissed in my ear.


“Fuck. I’m sorry.” I put my hand on his chest. “Didn’t mean to yell. Have fun there.” I motioned behind me. I was drenched in sweat and I didn’t want this to be the impression someone got of me thinking I just got to the club. “Music is loud and there are lots of writhing bodies.”


“Seems like I found someone out here though.” He looked between Sophia and I. “Actually two someones.”


Sophia shoved me forward this time, whispering in my ear. “Our ride is here. Do or die bitch.” Sometimes she’s lucky that I love her no matter what. 


“I’m going.” I turned back to the imposing chest before me. “See you around hopefully.” I felt his hand slide down my arm as we walked by. Fuck, I should not be turned on by that one little motion. It’s been a minute since any man had touched me.


“Girl!l” Sophia smacked my arm. “That gorgeous piece of man meat was checking you out.” Her enthusiasm was unmatched most days.


“Yes he was.” A deep voice said. We both jumped, and he laughed.The meat she was referring to was standing behind us, leaning on the wall by the doors to get into the club.


“Ho-ly shit.” That bitch Sophia jumped into the cab, slammed the door then rolled down the window. “Have a great night! Text me if he turns out to be an axe murderer.” Sophia gave me a dramatic wink as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

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